I am about to embark on the development of a web application project.

I'd like to get something up early and often for early adopters to play with and feedback.

But I envisage the data model changing as the project progresses and my understanding of the system improves.

How should I manage the dilemma of updating the data model appropriately and preventing data loss for early adopters? Should I simply put up a big warning saying "user beware", or should I put in the effort to create migration scripts?


5 回答 5


What platform are you using? Ruby on Rails gives you migration scripts as part of the package. If you're in Java-land, you might want to check out migrate4j.

In the end, I'd suggest doing both things: Warn your users that they're using alpha software, and employ migration scripts with the intent of preserving their data whenever you can (lest they become peeved and lose interest).

于 2008-12-30T15:31:06.363 回答

Scott Ambler has written some nice stuff about agile databases. There's a book and a website.

于 2008-12-30T15:29:27.257 回答




我们做的其他一些事情是投资Red Gate 的 Sql Compare 和 Sql Data Compare。这可以确保来自开发环境的更改正确地转移到生产环境中。


于 2008-12-31T13:07:36.510 回答

The first time I ever heard about agile data was a talk by Martin Fowler and Pramod Sadalage.

于 2008-12-30T15:30:50.217 回答

@bradheintz; I'm using the Microsoft Web Stack.

I have found a short list of .NET related migration tools here:


于 2008-12-31T12:48:00.763 回答