I tried to use qicli provided in the Naoqi SDK on MacOS (10.12) but it doesn't start:

dyld: Library not loaded: libboost_date_time.dylib
  Referenced from: ..../naoqi-sdk-
  Reason: image not found
Abort trap: 6  

Anyone knows how to solve this issue?


2 回答 2


There are apparently some broken dependencies in the SDK's binaries.

Would you mind having a go at the script here on pastebin? It should fix the dependencies issue for the 2.4.3 SDK. You need to be either on El Capitan or Sierra, with either Xcode7 or Xcode8 installed.

The steps:

  • run the fix_naoqi.sh script, giving it the full path to naoqi-bin (e.g. /bin/naoqi-bin)
  • install opencv using: brew install homebrew/science/opencv
  • try now
  • if any problem (you may have if you already installed another NAOqi SDK): export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
于 2016-10-18T23:15:34.067 回答

On Mac OS X, the rlink of NAOqi binaries is not performed properly, so you need to specify manually the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH accordingly to your installation directory when running a binary:

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<installation_directory>/lib DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=<installation_directory> <installation_directory>/bin/qicli
于 2017-01-18T14:53:50.280 回答