我面临 python 的 random.expovariate() 的问题。
如果我运行以下代码: random.seed(44) for i in range(5): print random.expovariate(250.0/600.0)
我得到以下输出, 1.26037021316 1.87397995498 4.75384071801 0.466542950787 0.612235449166
import random
import simpy
time_in_bank_customer = 2.0
time_in_bank_business = 4.0
arrive_time_bus = []
arrive_time_cus = []
wait_time_bus = []
wait_time_cus = []
serve_time_bus = []
serve_time_cus = []
def source_customer(env, counter, Rnd):
"""Source generates customers for customer transaction randomly"""
for i in range(int(CUSTOMERS_TRANS)):
env.process(customer(env, 'Customer%s' % (i + 1), counter, time_in_bank_customer, Rnd))
r=Rnd.expovariate(CUSTOMERS_TRANS / 600.0)
yield env.timeout(r)
def source_business(env, counter, Rnd):
"""Source generates customers for business transaction randomly"""
for j in range(int(BUSINESS_TRANS)):
env.process(business(env, 'Business%s' % (j + 1), counter, time_in_bank_business, Rnd))
yield env.timeout(Rnd.expovariate(BUSINESS_TRANS / 600.0))
def customer(env, name, counter, time_in_bank_customer, Rnd):
"""Customer arrives, is served and leaves."""
arrive = env.now
arrive_time_cus.append((name, arrive))
print('%7.4f %s: Here I am' % (arrive, name))
with counter.request() as req:
yield req
# patience = random.uniform(MIN_PATIENCE, MAX_PATIENCE)
# Wait for the counter or abort at the end of our tether
wait = env.now - arrive
# We got to the counter
print('%7.4f %s: Waited %6.3f' % (env.now, name, wait))
tib = Rnd.expovariate(1.0 / time_in_bank_customer)
while tib < 0.5 or tib > 8:
tib = Rnd.expovariate(1.0 / time_in_bank_customer)
yield env.timeout(tib)
print('%7.4f %s: Finished' % (env.now, name))
def business(env, name, counter, time_in_bank_business, Rnd):
"""Customer arrives, is served and leaves."""
arrive = env.now
arrive_time_bus.append((name, arrive))
print('%7.4f %s: Here I am' % (arrive, name))
with counter.request() as req:
yield req
# Wait for the counter or abort at the end of our tether
wait = env.now - arrive
# We got to the counter
print('%7.4f %s: Waited %6.3f' % (env.now, name, wait))
tib = Rnd.expovariate(1.0 / time_in_bank_business)
while tib < 1 or tib > 15:
tib = Rnd.expovariate(1.0 / time_in_bank_business)
yield env.timeout(tib)
print('%7.4f %s: Finished' % (env.now, name))
# Scenario 1
def main():
env = simpy.Environment()
Rnd = random.Random(44)
counter = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1)
env.process(source_customer(env, counter, Rnd))
env.process(source_business(env, counter, Rnd))
l = len(list(filter((lambda (x, y): y < 5), wait_time_cus))) + len(list(filter((lambda (x, y): y < 5), wait_time_bus)))
print ('Number of processes that waited < 5 min = %s' % (l))
# len(l) -> 8
print arrive_time_bus
print arrive_time_cus
print wait_time_bus
print wait_time_cus
print serve_time_bus
print serve_time_cus
print expo_c
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
我得到了一个不同的 expo_c- 它本质上是相同行的输出。
我使用相同的种子,但 expovariate() 生成的序列不同。如何确保在我的实际程序中生成相同的序列?