我正在将链接到管道中的现有 Jenkins Jobs 工作系列移动到 Modern Jenkins As Code Workflow Pipeline。

随着这一举措的出现,各种新插件提供了 Pipeline 插件可以使用的步骤。其中之一是 Jenkins Artifactory 插件。

这个插件可以接受 Artifactorys “AQL” 语言的 json 对象,或者相反,一个非常简单的模式来搜索一系列 repos 以查找与模式匹配的 Artifacts。


我遇到的问题是,我想模仿可以在 Jenkins Jobs 中使用的现有 Jenkins Artifact Resolver 插件的行为。

这个插件使用我当前提供给 DSL 工作流的相同模式,并且只下载该特定返回集中的最新或最后修改的工件。我想为我的新方法做同样的事情。


jfrog rt search "client-snapshots/com/client/content_services/search-dist/*.zip"

[Info:] Pinging Artifactory...
    [Info:] Done pinging Artifactory.
    [Info:] Searching Artifactory using AQL query: items.find({"repo": "client-snapshots","$or": [{"$and": [{"path": {"$match":"com/client/content_services/search-dist"},"name":{"$match":"*.zip"}}]},{"$and": [{"path": {"$match":"com/client/content_services/search-dist/*"},"name":{"$match":"*.zip"}}]}]}).include("name","repo","path","actual_md5","actual_sha1","size")
    [Info:] Artifactory response: 200 OK
    [Info:] Found 58 artifacts.

这是使用来自精心制作的 json 对象的“AQL”查询的结果

jfrog rt search --spec art-search.json
[Info:] Pinging Artifactory...
[Info:] Done pinging Artifactory.
[Info:] Searching Artifactory using AQL query: items.find({"repo":"client-snapshots","$and":[{"$or":[{"path":{"$match":"com/client/content_services"},"name":{"$match":"*search*"}}]},{"$or":[{"path":{"$match":"*dist*"},"name":{"$match":".zip"}}]},{"$or":[{"path":{"$match":"*1.0-SNAPSHOT*"},"name":{"$match":"*"}}]}]}).include("name","repo","path","actual_md5","actual_sha1","size")
[Info:] Artifactory response: 200 OK
[Info:] Found 116 artifacts.

以及上述查询的 json:

  "files": [
      "aql": {
        "items.find": {
          "repo": "client-snapshots",
          "$and": [
              "$or": [
                  "path": {
                    "$match": "com/client/content_services"
                  "name": {
                    "$match": "*search*"
              "$or": [
                  "path": {
                    "$match": "*dist*"
                  "name": {
                    "$match": ".zip"
              "$or": [
                  "path": {
                    "$match": "*1.0-SNAPSHOT*"
                  "name": {
                    "$match": "*"
      "target": "Bazinga/Artifactory/"

第一个只返回我指定的 repo 中的 zip,这是我真正想要的。json 对象从我指定的存储库中返回 poms 和 zip。我可以不用 poms,因为我只对下载 zip 感兴趣。

更重要的是,我只想使用上述模式之一返回最新的 zip。



1 回答 1


所以我找到了使用 AQL 和 PowerShell 的替代解决方案。

$pair = "$($art_user):$($art_pass)"
Write-Verbose "Attempting to convert Artifactory credentials to a base64 string for automation" 
$encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair))
$basicAuthValue = "Basic $encodedCreds"
$headers = @{
    Authorization = $basicAuthValue

Write-Host "Attempting to perform a AQL search."
$aql_search = $art_base_url + "/api/search/aql"
Write-Host "Building aql query with the following parameters, groupID: $group_id, artifactID: $artifact_id, version: $version, classifier: $classifier and repos: $art_generic_repokey."
$aql_query = 'items.find({"repo":"' + $art_generic_repokey + '","$or":[{"$and":[{"path":{"$match":"' + $group_id + '/' + $artifact_id + '/' + $version + '"},"name":{"$match":"' + $artifact_id + '*' + $classifier + '*.' + $extension + '"}}]}]}).sort({"$desc":["modified"]}).limit(1)' 
Write-Host "Built the following aql query: '$aql_query' ."
$aql_content = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $aql_search -Headers $headers -Method Post -Body $aql_query -ContentType 'text/plain'
Write-Host "Attempting to submit the aql query to the following artifactory server: $art_base_url."
$aql_results = ($aql_content).results
Write-Host "Attempting to parse query results and build the artifact download uri."
$aql_repo,$aql_path,$aql_name = ($aql_results).repo,($aql_results).path,($aql_results).name
$artifactDownloadUri = $art_base_url + '/' + $aql_repo + '/' + $aql_path + '/' + $aql_name 
Write-Host "Found the following uri: $artifactDownloadUri !!"

if ($artifactMimeType  -eq 'application/zip' -or $extension -eq 'zip') {
    Write-Verbose "Attempting to save the artifact to $download_dir/$art_dist_name.zip"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $artifactDownloadUri -Headers $headers -OutFile "$download_dir/$art_dist_name.zip"
于 2016-10-31T22:02:54.993 回答