尝试在安装了 Julia 0.5.0 的 Windows 10 笔记本电脑上更新已安装的软件包时,Rmath 出现以下错误:
C:\Users\CaitlinG>julia -e "Pkg.update()"
INFO: Updating METADATA...
INFO: Updating cache of ColorTypes...
INFO: Updating cache of Gadfly...
INFO: Updating cache of StatsBase...
INFO: Updating cache of DataFrames...
INFO: Updating cache of FixedPointNumbers...
INFO: Updating cache of Colors...
INFO: Updating cache of DataFrames...
INFO: Computing changes...
INFO: Upgrading ColorTypes: v0.2.8 => v0.2.11
INFO: Upgrading Colors: v0.6.8 => v0.6.9
INFO: Upgrading FixedPointNumbers: v0.1.8 => v0.2.1
INFO: Upgrading Gadfly: v0.5.0 => v0.5.1
INFO: Upgrading StatsBase: v0.11.0 => v0.11.1
INFO: Building Rmath
================================[ ERROR: Rmath ]================================
LoadError: ArgumentError: Module BinDeps not found in current path.
Run `Pkg.add("BinDeps")` to install the BinDeps package.
while loading C:\users\caitling\emacs251\.julia\v0.5\Rmath\deps\build.jl, in exp
ression starting on line 1
================================[ BUILD ERRORS ]================================
WARNING: Rmath had build errors.
- packages with build errors remain installed in C:\users\caitling\emacs251\.ju
- build the package(s) and all dependencies with `Pkg.build("Rmath")`
- build a single package by running its `deps/build.jl` script
我也对 Julia 无法找到“Gadfly.jl”感到困惑,尽管它已按照上述输出所示进行安装。