I am using the OpenCV 3.1 Library for Android in my project to process images and compile a video file on basis of several individual OpenCv::Mat.
My problem is to find the correct fourCC code. Using "MJPG" works fine on a Google Nexus 6P (Android 7.0) but not on a Nexus 4 (5.1.1) or a Galaxy A3 (6.0.1).
In the code, images
is an Array containing the image data as bytearrays.
VideoWriter videoWriter = new VideoWriter(filePath, VideoWriter.fourcc('M','J','P','G'), FPS, new Size(w,h));
videoWriter.open(filePath, VideoWriter.fourcc('M','J','P','G'), FPS, new Size(w,h));
for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
byte[] image = images.get(i);
Mat rgbMat = new Mat(h,w,CvType.CV_8UC3);
As I said, I get a valid .avi file on the Nexus 6P but a corrupt file on the other phones. I know that the rest of my pipeline is working on all phones because I can save single images without a problem (not using OpenCV).
My question: Is there a fourCC code that should work on any phone, independent of the manufacturer?
I tried with no success: 'MPEG', 'MP4V', 'PIM1'
Thank you for your help!