我想知道是否以及如何为 PHP 中的 Apache 2 编写自定义“协议处理程序”(在自定义端口上侦听)?
在 C 和 mod_perl 中,您可以编写所谓的“协议处理程序”,它拦截早期的 Apache 阶段(在客户端套接字连接被接受()之后,但在任何内容被写入之前)并且可以例如处理FTP或SMTP协议。在PHP中也可以吗?
例如,我有以下简单的 mod_perl 处理程序,我想将其移植到 PHP(以比较内存使用情况——因为我的 mod_perl 处理程序需要每个孩子 20m)。我的处理程序侦听端口 843 并将字符串 POLICY 写入客户端套接字:
package SocketPolicy;
# Run: semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 843
# And add following lines to the httpd.conf
# Listen 843
# <VirtualHost _default_:843>
# PerlModule SocketPolicy
# PerlProcessConnectionHandler SocketPolicy
# </VirtualHost>
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use APR::Const(-compile => 'SO_NONBLOCK');
use APR::Socket();
use Apache2::ServerRec();
use Apache2::Connection();
use Apache2::Const(-compile => qw(OK DECLINED));
use constant POLICY =>
qq{<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="8080"/>
sub handler {
my $conn = shift;
my $socket = $conn->client_socket();
my $offset = 0;
# set the socket to the blocking mode
$socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK => 0);
do {
my $nbytes = $socket->send(substr(POLICY, $offset),
length(POLICY) - $offset);
# client connection closed or interrupted
return Apache2::Const::DECLINED unless $nbytes;
$offset += $nbytes;
} while ($offset < length(POLICY));
my $slog = $conn->base_server()->log();
$slog->warn('served socket policy to: ', $conn->remote_ip());
return Apache2::Const::OK;