当我尝试生成启用了 proguard 的签名 apk 时,出现以下错误。
Error:Uncaught translation error: com.android.dx.cf.code.SimException: com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstMethodRef cannot be cast to com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstInterfaceMethodRef
Possible causes for this unexpected error include:<ul><li>Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)
<a href="syncProject">Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)</a></li><li>The state of a Gradle build process (daemon) may be corrupt. Stopping all Gradle daemons may solve this problem.
<a href="stopGradleDaemons">Stop Gradle build processes (requires restart)</a></li><li>Your project may be using a third-party plugin which is not compatible with the other plugins in the project or the version of Gradle requested by the project.</li></ul>In the case of corrupt Gradle processes, you can also try closing the IDE and then killing all Java processes.
- 安卓工作室 2.2
- 播放服务版本 9.6.1
dontwarn okio.
dontwarn retrofit2.Platform$Java8
keep public class com.google.android.gms.
dontwarn com.google.android.gms.
keepattributes InnerClasses,EnclosingMethod
defaultConfig { applicationId "com.something.something" minSdkVersion 15 targetSdkVersion 23 versionCode 3 versionName "3.0" // Enabling multidex support. multiDexEnabled true testInstrumentationRunner "com.android.test.runner.MultiDexTestRunner" } buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' } } productFlavors { }