Spark 中每个工作节点会启动多少个执行器?我能知道它背后的数学原理吗?
例如,我有 6 个工作节点和 1 个主节点,如果我通过 spark-submit 提交作业,将为作业启动多少个执行器?
Spark 中每个工作节点会启动多少个执行器?我能知道它背后的数学原理吗?
例如,我有 6 个工作节点和 1 个主节点,如果我通过 spark-submit 提交作业,将为作业启动多少个执行器?
--num-executors 4
Spark 如何通过挂起和正在运行的任务计算它需要的最大执行器数量:
private def maxNumExecutorsNeeded(): Int = {
val numRunningOrPendingTasks = listener.totalPendingTasks + listener.totalRunningTasks
(numRunningOrPendingTasks + tasksPerExecutor - 1) / tasksPerExecutor
// The target number exceeds the number we actually need, so stop adding new
// executors and inform the cluster manager to cancel the extra pending requests
val oldNumExecutorsTarget = numExecutorsTarget
numExecutorsTarget = math.max(maxNeeded, minNumExecutors)
numExecutorsToAdd = 1
// If the new target has not changed, avoid sending a message to the cluster manager
if (numExecutorsTarget < oldNumExecutorsTarget) {
client.requestTotalExecutors(numExecutorsTarget, localityAwareTasks, hostToLocalTaskCount)
logDebug(s"Lowering target number of executors to $numExecutorsTarget (previously " +
s"$oldNumExecutorsTarget) because not all requested executors are actually needed")
numExecutorsTarget - oldNumExecutorsTarget
如果当前 executor 数量大于期望的数量,Spark 将通知集群管理器取消挂起的请求,因为它们是不需要的。对于那些已经分配的执行者,稍后将通过超时机制将它们降低到合理的数量。
val oldNumExecutorsTarget = numExecutorsTarget
// There's no point in wasting time ramping up to the number of executors we already have, so
// make sure our target is at least as much as our current allocation:
numExecutorsTarget = math.max(numExecutorsTarget, executorIds.size)
// Boost our target with the number to add for this round:
numExecutorsTarget += numExecutorsToAdd
// Ensure that our target doesn't exceed what we need at the present moment:
numExecutorsTarget = math.min(numExecutorsTarget, maxNumExecutorsNeeded)
// Ensure that our target fits within configured bounds:
numExecutorsTarget = math.max(math.min(numExecutorsTarget, maxNumExecutors), minNumExecutors)
val delta = numExecutorsTarget - oldNumExecutorsTarget
// If our target has not changed, do not send a message
// to the cluster manager and reset our exponential growth
if (delta == 0) {
numExecutorsToAdd = 1
return 0
val addRequestAcknowledged = testing ||
client.requestTotalExecutors(numExecutorsTarget, localityAwareTasks, hostToLocalTaskCount)
if (addRequestAcknowledged) {
val executorsString = "executor" + { if (delta > 1) "s" else "" }
logInfo(s"Requesting $delta new $executorsString because tasks are backlogged" +
s" (new desired total will be $numExecutorsTarget)")
numExecutorsToAdd = if (delta == numExecutorsToAdd) {
numExecutorsToAdd * 2
} else {
} else {
s"Unable to reach the cluster manager to request $numExecutorsTarget total executors!")
您应该得到您要求的数量--num-executors X