@echo off
findstr /m "1090 FF" *.info > results.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 (
echo Found! logged files into results.txt
) else (
echo No matches found
这将创建一个扩展名为 .info 的文件列表。然后我需要获取该列表并使用文件列表删除所有文件,但我需要使用它删除所有兄弟文件。
12345.info (in my list to del)
12345.cpr (need to del)
12345.emf (need to del)
12345.obj (need to del)
12345.timb (need to del)
我尝试使用它,但它只删除了 .info 文件扩展名:
@echo off
REM Delete files/folders specified in a newline delimited txt file list.
set "default_list_path=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\SAD_FF bat\results.txt"
if not "%~2"=="" echo Error: unexpected arguments& exit /b
if not "%~1"=="" ( set "list=%1" ) else (
set "list=%DEFAULT_LIST_PATH%"
if not exist "%LIST:"=%" echo Error: list could not be found& exit /b
set /a delete_counter=0
for /f "delims=" %%I in ('type "%LIST:"=%"') do (
if exist "%%~fI" (
set /a delete_counter+=1
if exist "%%~fI"\* (
rd /s /q "%%~fI"
) else (
del /q "%%~fI.*"
) else (
echo No such path "%%~I".
echo.& echo %DELETE_COUNTER% files or folders were deleted.