我很乐意为你看看这个。但是 imgur 已经从该文件中删除了元数据。
你能在 GitHub 项目上打开一个问题吗?那里的任何附加图像都不会删除元数据:

该字符串在 XMP 数据中(由围绕它的 RDF XML 证明)。您可以使用类似以下的代码访问它:
// Extract metadata from the image
Metadata metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(image);
// Iterate through any XMP directories we may have received
for (XmpDirectory xmpDirectory : metadata.getDirectoriesOfType(XmpDirectory.class)) {
// Usually with metadata-extractor, you iterate a directory's tags. However XMP has
// a complex structure with many potentially unknown properties. This doesn't map
// well to metadata-extractor's directory-and-tag model.
// If you need to use XMP data, access the XMPMeta object directly.
XMPMeta xmpMeta = xmpDirectory.getXMPMeta();
// Iterate XMP properties
XMPIterator itr = xmpMeta.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
XMPPropertyInfo property = (XMPPropertyInfo) itr.next();
// Print details of the property
System.out.println(property.getPath() + ": " + property.getValue());
我仍然希望看到一个示例图像,但是从十六进制编辑器中看到了您的屏幕截图,我怀疑 Adobe Bridge 正在将字符串截断为 64 字节以用于 IPTC。在线快速搜索表明这是 IPTC 关键字字段的最大长度。