在 sas 9.1 中,我使用“ods rtf”程序和“proc report”程序。当我使用标题语句时,标题总是可收回的。我应该做些什么来解决这个问题。
options nodate nonumber missing=" ";
ods escapechar="#";
ods rtf file="c:\9.rtf" bodytitle ;
proc report data=forreport7 nowindows headline headskip split="|";
columns sort group a _name_ trtseqpn1 trtseqpn3 trt01pn2 trt01pn3 trtseqpn_1_34 prob_seqpn prob_01pn;
define sort / order order=internal noprint;
define group / group "Characteristics" width=20 center ;
define a /order order=internal noprint;
define _name_ / display " " style(column)=[just=left] center width=20 ;
define Trtseqpn1 / display center width=20 "NPH|(N=&Trtseqpn1.)";
define Trtseqpn3 / display center width=20 "LY_All|(N=&trtseqpn3.)";
define Trt01pn2 / display center width=20 "LY_AM|(N=&trt01pn2.)";
define Trt01pn3 / display center width=20 "LY_PM|(N=&Trt01pn3.)";
define trtseqpn_1_34 / display center width=20 "Ttoal/(N=&trtseqpn13.)";
define prob_seqpn / display center width=20 "LY_All vs. NPH";
define prob_01pn / display center width=20 "LY_AM vs. LY_PM";
compute after group;
line "#{ }";
title1 justify=left height=0.37 cm font="Times New Roman"
"Summary and Analysis of Patient Demographic and Baseline Characteristics"
justify=right "#{thispage} of #{lastpage} ";
title2 justify=left height=0.37 cm "All Randomized Patients"
justify=right height=0.37 cm "&systime. &sysdate9. ";
title3 justify=left "I2R-MC-BIAK" justify=right "Production status: PDPM";
ods rtf close;