我尝试以裸机方式对 Cortex-A9 进行编程。我使用来自: https ://github.com/tukl-msd/gem5.bare-metal的“hello world”代码 。但是,我无法让中断工作。当我使用中断创建中断时,例如#47,我的软件不会跳转到 ISR 功能。我错过了什么?我需要做更多的初始化吗?
.section INTERRUPT_VECTOR, "x"
.global _Reset
B Reset_Handler /* Reset */
B . /* Undefined */
B . /* SWI */
B . /* Prefetch Abort */
B . /* Data Abort */
B . /* reserved */
B irq_handler /* IRQ */
B irq_handler /* FIQ */
// Some Definitions for GIC:
.equ GIC_DIST, 0x10041000
.equ GIC_CPU , 0x10040000
// GIC Definitions for CPU interface
.equ ICCICR , 0x00
.equ ICCPMR , 0x04
.equ ICCEOIR , 0x10
.equ ICCIAR , 0x0C
// GIC Definitions for Distributor interface
.equ ICDDCR , 0x00
.equ ICDISER , 0x100
.equ ICDIPTR , 0x800
// Other Definitions
.equ USR_MODE , 0x10
GIC_dist_base : .word 0 // address of GIC distributor
GIC_cpu_base : .word 0 // address of GIC CPU interface
LDR sp, =stack_top
// Enable Interrupts on CPU Side:
MRS r1, cpsr // get the cpsr.
BIC r1, r1, #0x80 // enable IRQ (ORR to disable).
MSR cpsr_c, r1 // copy it back, control field bit update.
// Configure GIC:
BL IC_init
// Branch to C code
BL main
B .
// Initialize GIC
.global GIC_init
stmfd sp!,{lr}
// Read GIC base from Configuration Base Address Register
// And use it to initialize GIC_dist_base and GIC_cpu_base
//mrc p15, 4, r0, c15, c0, 0
//add r2, r0, #GIC_DIST // Calculate address
ldr r2, =GIC_DIST
ldr r1, =GIC_dist_base
str r2,[r1] // Store address of GIC distributor
//add r2, r0, #GIC_CPU // Calculate address
ldr r2, =GIC_CPU
ldr r1, =GIC_cpu_base
str r2,[r1] // Store address of GIC CPU interface
// Register (ICCPMR) to enable interrutps of all priorities
ldr r1,=0xFFFF
ldr r2,=GIC_dist_base
str r1,[r2,#ICCPMR]
// Set the enable bit in the CPU interface control register
// ICCICR, allowing CPU(s) to receive interrupts
mov r1,#1
str r1,[r2,#ICCICR]
// Set the enable bit in the distributor control register
// ICDDCR, allowing interrpupts to be generated
ldr r2,=GIC_dist_base
ldr r2,[r2] // Nase address of distributor
mov r1, #1
str r1,[r2,#ICDDCR]
ldmfd sp!,{pc}
//config_interrupt (int ID , int CPU);
.global config_interrupt
stmfd sp!,{r4-r5, lr}
// Cinfigure the distributor interrupt set-enable registers (ICDISERn)
// enable the intterupt
// reg_offset = (M/32)*4 (shift and clear some bits)
// value = 1 << (N mod 32);
ldr r2,=GIC_dist_base
ldr r2,[r2] // Read GIC distributor base address
add r2,r2,#ICDISER // r2 <- base address of ICDSER regs
lsr r4,r0,#3 // clculate reg_offset
bic r4,r4,#3 // r4 <- reg_offset
add r4,r2,r4 // r4 <- address of ICDISERn
// Create a bit mask
and r2,r0,#0x1F // r2 <- N mod 32
mov r5,#1 // need to set one bit
lsl r2,r5,r2 // r2 <- value
// Using address in r4 and value in r2 to set the correct bit in the GIC register
ldr r3,[r4] // read ICDISERn
orr r3, r3, r2 // set the enable bit
str r3,[r4] // store the new register value
// Configure the distributor interrupt processor targets register (ICDIPTRn)
// select target CPU(s)
// reg_offset = (N/4)*4 (clear 2 bottom bits)
// index = N mod 4;
ldr r2,=GIC_dist_base
ldr r2,[r2] // Read GIC distributor base address
add r2,r2, #ICDIPTR // base address of ICDIPTR regs
bic r4,r0,#3 // r4 <- reg_offset
add r4,r2,r4 // r4 <- address of ICDIPTRn
// Get the address of th ebyte wihtih ICDIPTRn
and r2,r0,#0x3 // r2 <- index
add r4,r2,r4 // r4 <- byte address to be set
strb r1,[r4]
ldmfd sp!, {r4-r5, lr}
// int get_inLerrupt_number();
// Get the interrupt ID for the current interrupt. This should be called al the
// beginning of ISR. It also changes the state of the interrupt from pending to
// active, which helps to prevent other CPUs from trying to handle it.
.global get_interrupt_number
// Read the JCCIAR from the CPU Interface
ldr r0,=GIC_cpu_base
ldr r0,[r0]
ldr r0,[r0,#ICCIAR]
mov pc,lr
// void end_of_interrupt (int ID);
// Notify the GIC that the interrupt has been processed. The state goes from
// active to inactive, or it goes from active and pending to pending.
.global end_of_interrupt
ldr r1,=GIC_cpu_base
ldr r1,[r1]
str r0,[r1,#ICCEOIR]
mov pc, lr
// IRQ Handler that calls the ISR function in C
.global irq_handler
stmfd sp!,{r0-r7, lr}
// Call Interrupt Service Routine in C:
bl ISR
ldmfd sp!, {r0-r7, lr}
// Must substract 4 from lr
subs pc, lr, #4
. = 0x0;
.text : {
.data : { *(.data) }
.bss : { *(.bss COMMON) }
. = ALIGN(8);
. = . + 0x1000; /* 4kB of stack memory */
stack_top = .;
PROVIDE (end = .) ;
主 C 程序:
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" void config_interrupt(int, int);
volatile unsigned int * const SHADOW = (unsigned int *)0x1000a000;
void sendShadow(unsigned int s)
*SHADOW = s;
int main(void)
unsigned int r = 1337;
while (1)
printf("Hello World! %d\n", r);
void ISR(void)