我有一个 VBA 应用程序,它从网站下载所有 HTML 表格并将它们解析为工作表。然后我编写了代码,它将在 A 列中每个表的标题中找到一个字符串,激活该单元格,识别当前区域的范围,并将列表对象名称添加到工作表名称管理器。我遇到的问题是代码行 260,其中消息框显示表中的行数。即使表的行数不同,该数字也始终相同。我相信问题出在代码行 210 到 250 中。我在整个网络上进行了搜索,包括堆栈溢出,但找不到解决方案。


' Method : test_currentregion_IncludeHeaders
' Author : Richard
' Date   : 10/4/2016
' Purpose: Find cell with value and turn into named table with headers
Sub test_currentregion_IncludeHeaders()

10        On Error GoTo test_currentregion_IncludeHeaders_Error

          'convert all tables (listobjects) to ranges
          Dim WS As Worksheet, LO As ListObject
20        For Each WS In Worksheets
30            For Each LO In WS.ListObjects
40                LO.Unlist
50            Next
60        Next

          'find currentregions and add table
          Dim tbl As Object
          Dim c As Object
          Dim firstAddress As Variant
          Dim Hdr As String
          Dim rngTable As Range
          Dim rows As Long
          Dim Line As Variant
          Dim iCounter As Long

70        Hdr = "Header"
80        iCounter = 1
90        rows = 0

100       With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A:A")
110           Set c = .Find(Hdr, LookIn:=xlValues)
120           If Not c Is Nothing Then
130               firstAddress = c.Address
140               c.Select        'must select object
150           End If

160       Do

170       With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
180           Set rngTable = c.CurrentRegion
190           .ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=xlSrcRange, Source:=rngTable, _
              xlListObjectHasHeaders:=xlYes, TableStyleName:="TableStyleMedium1") _
              .Name = "List" & iCounter
200       End With

210       With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).ListObjects(1)
220           For Each Line In .Range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Areas
230               rows = rows + Line.rows.Count
240           Next
250       End With

260       MsgBox "Number of rows displayed = " & rows

          'reset selected variables
270           iCounter = iCounter + 1
280           rows = 0
290           Set Line = Nothing

          'find next currentregion
300           Set c = .FindNext(c)
310       Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress
320    End With

330       On Error GoTo 0
340       Exit Sub


350       MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure_test_currentregion_IncludeHeaders of Sub current_region"

End Sub

1 回答 1


您遇到的问题是您总是指的是第一个 ListObject .ListObjects(1)

您可以访问范围所属的 Listobject 并返回其行数(不包括标题),如下所示:

rows = rngTable.ListObject.DataBodyRange.rows.Count

于 2016-10-07T01:39:41.327 回答