I'm using (linked) PLCrashReporter.framework in my main swift target, with the following in my bridging header:

#import "PLCrashReporter.h"
#import "PLCrashReport.h"
#import "PLCrashReportTextFormatter.h"

and the following Header Search Paths: $(PROJECT_DIR)/Frameworks/CrashReporter.framework/Headers

It works, but when I try to run my unit tests against the project, I get these two errors:

/Users/me/dev/myapp-ios/MyApp/MyApp-Bridging-Header.h:7:9: 'PLCrashReporter.h' file not found


Failed to import bridging header '/Users/me/dev/myapp-ios/MyApp/MyApp-Bridging-Header.h'

How can I help my UnitTests target see this objective-c framework's headers?


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