我已经安装了 Rails exception_handler并尝试按照说明设置自定义错误处理,但是我仍然收到 gem 创建的标准 500 错误消息:


如果您是本网站的管理员,请阅读此 Web 应用程序的日志文件和/或 Web 服务器的日志文件以找出问题所在。


class Application < Rails::Application
  config.exception_handler = {
      dev: true,
      layouts: {
        '500' => 'exception'


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title><%= "Error - #{@exception.status} Error" %></title>


    <div class="container">
      <%= yield %>


并使用以下命令生成默认异常视图:rails generate exception_handler:views

<div class="error">
    <% if /^(5[0-9]{2})$/ =~ @exception.status.to_s %>

        <!--Message -->
        <%= content_tag :div, class: "message" do %>
            <%= content_tag :div, class: "title" do %>
                <span><%= "#{@exception.status} Error - #{details[:name]}" %></span>
                <%= link_to image_tag("exception_handler/close.png"), main_app.root_url, title: "Close (Go back home)", class: "close" %>
            <% end %>

            <%= content_tag :div, class: "details" do %>
                <%= image_tag "exception_handler/alert.png", title: "#{@exception.status} Error" %>
                <div class="status"><%= @exception.status %> Error</div>
            <% end %>

            <%= content_tag :div, class: "info" do %>
                <span><%= details[:description] %></span>
                <div class="notification">
                    <%= link_to image_tag("exception_handler/home.png", title: "Go Back Home"), main_app.root_url, class: "home" %>
                    <div class="version">v<%= Rails.version %></div>
                    <strong>Our developers have been notified - we're working on it!</strong>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>

    <% else %>

        <%= content_tag :div, details[:description], class: "message" %>
    <% end %>

我尝试重新启动我的 Rails 服务器只是为了确保更改生效,但它仍然不起作用。我错过了什么?


1 回答 1


在版本 exception_handler 中,config/application.rb

config.exception_handler = {
dev: nil, # allows you to turn ExceptionHandler "on" in development
db:nil, # allocates a "table name" into which exceptions are saved (defaults to nil)
email: "", # sends exception emails to a listed email (string // "you@email.com")

  # Custom Exceptions
  custom_exceptions: {
    #'ActionController::RoutingError' => :not_found # => example

  # On default 5xx error page, social media links included
  social: {        
    facebook: nil, # Facebook page name   
    twitter:  nil, # Twitter handle  
    youtube:  nil, # Youtube channel name / ID
    linkedin: nil, # LinkedIn name
    fusion:   nil  # FL Fusion handle

  # This is an entirely NEW structure for the "layouts" area
  # You're able to define layouts, notifications etc ↴

  # All keys interpolated as strings, so you can use symbols, strings or integers where necessary
  exceptions: {

    :all => {
      layout: "exception", # define layout
      notification: true # (false by default)
  # action: ____, (this is general)
  # background: (can define custom background for exceptions layout if required)
    404 => {
      layout: "exception", # define layout
      notification: true # (false by default)
  # action: ____, (this is general)
  # background: (can define custom background for exceptions layout if required)
    500 => {
      layout: "exception", # define layout
      notification: true # (false by default)
  # action: ____, (this is general)
  # background: (can define custom background for exceptions layout if required)

    # This is the old structure
    # Still works but will be deprecated in future versions

    # 501 => "exception",
    # 502 => "exception",
    # 503 => "exception",
    # 504 => "exception",
    # 505 => "exception",
    # 507 => "exception",
    # 510 => "exception"

于 2019-01-30T08:35:08.640 回答