是否可以将 Rocket.Chat iOS App 设置为在启动/重启后自动进入特定房间?


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In the current version of the Rocket.Chat app on both iOS and Android it is not possible to have it take you directly into a room.

If you've had the app up previously it should bring you back to the room you were in. But from a cold start the app will always bring you to the home page, and this is not currently configurable.

If you are looking for this to be added as a feature the best place to request it would be on the mobile projects repo found here: https://github.com/rocketchat/rocket.chat.cordova/issues

A potential work around to this would be to edit the home page layout and add a link to the channel you wanted to be able to jump directly into.

于 2016-10-05T01:04:39.447 回答