我在上一个问题中问过如何为极坐标图设置特定数量的环和扇区。我现在有一个按钮,可以将图表从极地更改为雷达。问题是段数从 24(正确)变为 25(错误)。我不知道为什么。
#region chartdesign
Series s = chartleft.Series[0]; // a reference to the default series
ChartArea ca = chartleft.ChartAreas[0]; // a reference to the default chart area
Axis ax = ca.AxisX;
Axis ay = ca.AxisY;
s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Polar; // set the charttype of the series
ax.Interval = 15;
ay.Interval = 1;
ax.IntervalOffset = 0;
ax.Minimum = 0;
ax.Maximum = 360;
ay.IntervalOffset = 0;
ay.Minimum = 0;
ay.Maximum = 10;
Series s2 = chartright.Series[0]; // a reference to the default series
ChartArea ca2 = chartright.ChartAreas[0]; // a reference to the default chart area
Axis ax2 = ca2.AxisX;
Axis ay2 = ca2.AxisY;
s2.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Polar; // set the charttype of the series
// a few data to test:
s2.Points.AddXY(0, 0);
ax2.Interval = 15;
ay2.Interval = 1;
ax2.IntervalOffset = 0;
ax2.Minimum = 0;
ax2.Maximum = 360;
ay2.IntervalOffset = 0;
ay2.Minimum = 0;
ay2.Maximum = 10;