我是 vaadin 的新手,我已经安装了 vaadin eclipse 插件,我在 中找不到创建自定义小部件,File->New project->vaadin
也找不到创建主题等 ..因为我在教程视频中看到这些东西,我也找不到可视化编辑器eclipse,我正在使用linux(操作系统)
1 回答
Check that you have installed the experimental visual editor like described on http://vaadin.com/eclipse. You can first create a Vaadin project from File->New project -> Vaadin project. You could also try to install the unstable version of the plugin from http://vaadin.com/eclipse/experimental (open URL with Eclipse plugin installer) if the stable one does not work.
Then you can check out the manual on http://vaadin.com/book/-/page/gwt.eclipse.html to get an idea of how to create a custom client side widget using GWT. This is practical if you wish to get some new client side behaviour not found in any existing widget(s).
However, if you just wish to have a new component without any new client side behaviour, you could extend the CustomComponent on the server side (in plain Vaadin, without making GWT components), add some custom logic and perhaps combine a number of existing components to be included. This composite CustomComponent can then be used in code as any other Vaadin component.