我想在 Windows 上安装 Deployer。我已按照以下步骤操作:
- 在cmd中运行命令:D:\composer require deployer/deployer:~3.0
- 然后 D:\php vendor/bin/dep
dir=$(d=${0%[/\]*}; cd "$d"; cd "../deployer/deployer/bin" && pwd)
# See if we are running in Cygwin by checking for cygpath program
if command -v 'cygpath' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# Cygwin paths start with /cygdrive/ which will break windows PHP,
# so we need to translate the dir path to windows format. However
# we could be using cygwin PHP which does not require this, so we
# test if the path to PHP starts with /cygdrive/ rather than /usr/bin
if [[ $(which php) == /cygdrive/* ]]; then
dir=$(cygpath -m "$dir");
dir=$(echo $dir | sed 's/ /\ /g')
"${dir}/dep" "$@"
此外,当我尝试运行“dep”命令 D:>dep self-update 时,它向我显示此错误:
'dep' 不是内部或外部命令、可运行程序或批处理文件。