I have a list of product names in Chinese. I want to translate these into English, I have tried Google AJAX language API, but it seems that translation is not good, it would be great if someone could give me some advice about or point me towards a better choice.
Thank you.


2 回答 2


嗯,谷歌当然是一个很棒的翻译服务,但如果你正在寻找可靠的翻译,你可能需要人工翻译——机器翻译充其量只能是粗略的。myGengo有一个便于机器翻译的 API;你的问题被标记为“python”,所以我在下面抛出了一些示例代码,但如果你愿意,你可以获得更广泛的演练。


首先,安装适用于 Python 的 mygengo API 库:

pip install mygengo


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
    public_key = 'your_mygengo_api_key',
    private_key = 'your_mygengo_private_key',
    sandbox = False, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

translation = gengo.postTranslationJob(job = {
    'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here (for now ;)
    'slug': 'Translating Chinese to English with the myGengo API', # REQUIRED. For storing on the myGengo side
    'body_src': '我們今天要去那裏嗎', # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
    'lc_src': 'zh', # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)  
    'lc_tgt': 'en', # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
    'tier': 'standard', # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")

# This will print out a machine translation; for your human translation, you can
# poll and check often, or set up a URL for it to post the results to.
print translation['response']['job']['body_tgt']
于 2011-06-01T01:33:45.150 回答


于 2010-10-20T15:18:29.157 回答