


为什么我不能像在按钮的“on command”中那样在“on click”中执行此操作?(请参阅下面源代码中的注释。)


module Main where

import Graphics.UI.WX

-- | NOP (= No Operation)
data Command = Nop
             | Red
             | Green
               deriving (Eq)

main :: IO ()
  = start hello

hello :: IO ()
    = do  currentCommand <- varCreate $ Nop               -- current command performed on next click on "pDrawingarea"

          status <- statusField    [text := "Welcome."]

          -- Frames and Panels
          f            <- frame   [ text := "Demo"
                                  , bgcolor := lightgrey ]

          pButtons     <- panel f [ bgcolor := lightgrey]
          pDrawingarea <- panel f [ on paint := draw
                                  , bgcolor := lightgrey

          set pDrawingarea [on click :=  do drawingAreaOnClick status currentCommand pDrawingarea
                                            -- set status [text := "User clicked on the panel."]
                                            -- Problem: uncommenting the line above shows the problem

          bRed <- button pButtons [text := "Red",  on command := do varSet currentCommand Red
                                                                    set status [text := "Current color: Red"]

          bGreen <- button pButtons [text := "Green",  on command := do varSet currentCommand Green
                                                                        set status [text := "Current color: Green"]

          set pButtons [ layout := column 1 [ hstretch.expand $ widget bRed
                                            , hstretch.expand $ widget bGreen

          set f [ statusBar := [status]
                , layout := row 3 [
                                    minsize (sz 600 500) $ stretch.expand $  widget pDrawingarea
                                  , vstretch.expand $ rule 3 500
                                  , minsize (sz 200 500) $ vstretch.expand $ widget pButtons

          return ()

draw ::  DC a -> Rect -> IO ()
draw  dc viewArea
    = do putStrLn "Imagine some code to repaint the screen."

drawingAreaOnClick :: statusField -> Var Command -> Panel () -> Point -> IO ()
drawingAreaOnClick sf command panel pt
    = do c <- varGet command
         case c of 
            Red   -> do putStrLn "Imagine some code to do red painting"
            Green -> do putStrLn "Imagine some code to do green painting"

1 回答 1




drawingAreaOnClick :: statusField -> Var Command -> Panel () -> Point -> IO ()

drawingAreaOnClick :: Textual x =>  x -> Var Command -> Panel () -> Point -> IO ()


为了完整起见,我会提到我也切换了 GHC 版本。最初的问题发生在 GHC 7.8.4 上,我找到的解决方案适用于 GHC 7.10.3。我不能说 GHC 版本是否会影响问题。


module Main where

import Graphics.UI.WX

-- | NOP (= No Operation)
data Command = Nop
             | Red
             | Green
               deriving (Eq)

main :: IO ()
  = start hello

hello :: IO ()
    = do  currentCommand <- varCreate Nop               -- current command performed on next click on "pDrawingarea"

          status <- statusField    [text := "Welcome."]

          -- not needed:     currentStatus <- varCreate status

          -- Frames and Panels
          f            <- frame   [ text := "Demo"
                                  , bgcolor := lightgrey ]

          pButtons     <- panel f [ bgcolor := lightgrey]
          pDrawingarea <- panel f [ on paint := draw
                                  , bgcolor := lightgrey

          set pDrawingarea [on click :=  do drawingAreaOnClick status currentCommand pDrawingarea
                                            -- set status [text := "User clicked on the panel."]
                                            -- Problem: uncommenting the line above shows the problem

          bRed <- button pButtons [text := "Red",  on command := do varSet currentCommand Red
                                                                    set status [text := "Current color: Red"]

          bGreen <- button pButtons [text := "Green",  on command := do varSet currentCommand Green
                                                                        set status [text := "Current color: Green"]
                                                                        --sf <- varGet currentStatus
                                                                        -- set sf [text := "yyy"]


          set pButtons [ layout := column 1 [ hstretch.expand $ widget bRed
                                            , hstretch.expand $ widget bGreen

          set f [ statusBar := [status]
                , layout := row 3 [
                                    minsize (sz 600 500) $ stretch.expand $  widget pDrawingarea
                                  , vstretch.expand $ rule 3 500
                                  , minsize (sz 200 500) $ vstretch.expand $ widget pButtons

          return ()

draw ::  DC a -> Rect -> IO ()
draw  dc viewArea
    = do putStrLn "Imagine some code to repaint the screen."

drawingAreaOnClick ::  Textual x =>  x -> Var Command -> Panel () -> Point -> IO ()
drawingAreaOnClick sf command panel pt
    = do c <- varGet command
         set sf [text := "Drawing on the screen."]
         case c of 
            Red   -> do putStrLn "Imagine some code to do red painting"
            Green -> do putStrLn "Imagine some code to do green painting"
于 2016-10-11T09:37:12.633 回答