我需要将默认数据替换为不存在的一行。下面是我所拥有的数据,然后是我需要返回的数据。我想在 SQL 中执行此操作,而不是在 PL/SQL 中构建一些东西。我正在使用 Oracle 8i。


Item     Period_start_date     Qty_Used
1234     1-MAR-2015            10
1234     1-JUN-2015            32
1234     1-JUL-2015            14
1234     1-SEP-2015            11


1234     1-MAR-2015            10
1234     1-APR-2015            0
1234     1-MAY-2015            0
1234     1-JUN-2015            32
1234     1-JUL-2015            14
1234     1-AUG-2015            0
1234     1-SEP-2015            11

1 回答 1


使用 8i 使得这比在以后的版本中要复杂一些。


select item, min(period_start_date) min_date,
  months_between(max(period_start_date), min(period_start_date)) as num_months
from your_table
group by item


select item, add_months(min_date, level) as period_start_date
from (
  select item, min(period_start_date) min_date,
    months_between(max(period_start_date), min(period_start_date)) as num_months
  from your_table
  group by item
connect by level < num_months

在这种情况下,这为您提供了 4 至 8 月的六个虚拟行。(我们知道我们不需要 3 月或 9 月的虚拟行)。

然后,您可以使用 ; 排除具有同一日期真实数据的任何数据not exists;并将其与真实表中的数据结合起来:

select item, period_start_date, qty_used
from your_table
union all
select item, period_start_date, 0
from (
  select item, add_months(min_date, level) as period_start_date
  from (
    select item, min(period_start_date) min_date,
      months_between(max(period_start_date), min(period_start_date)) as num_months
    from your_table
    group by item
  connect by level < num_months
) t
where not exists (
  select null
  from your_table
  where item = t.item
  and period_start_date = t.period_start_date
order by item, period_start_date;

---------- ----------- ----------
      1234 01-MAR-2015         10
      1234 01-APR-2015          0
      1234 01-MAY-2015          0
      1234 01-JUN-2015         32
      1234 01-JUL-2015         14
      1234 01-AUG-2015          0
      1234 01-SEP-2015         11


select item, period_start_date, qty_used
from your_table
union all
select item, period_start_date, 0
from (
  select item, add_months(date '2013-03-01', level - 1) as period_start_date
  from (select distinct item from your_table)
  connect by add_months(date '2013-03-01', level - 1) < sysdate
) t
where not exists (
  select null
  from your_table
  where item = t.item
  and period_start_date = t.period_start_date
order by item, period_start_date;

您也可以从生成的表数据中进行左外连接,但当然必须使用旧的 Oracle 特定语法:

select t.item, t.period_start_date, nvl(yt.qty_used, 0) as qty
from (
  select item, add_months(date '2013-03-01', level - 1) as period_start_date
  from (select distinct item from your_table)
  connect by add_months(date '2013-03-01', level - 1) < sysdate
) t, your_table yt
where yt.item (+) = t.item
and yt.period_start_date (+) = t.period_start_date
order by t.item, t.period_start_date;
于 2016-09-28T17:37:22.673 回答