我只是将我的 App 数据从 Parse 迁移到 Back4App 并按照步骤设置 back4App 配置。但是现在当我参考 back4App 访问 Parse API 时。它不断给我以下错误:[错误]:此服务器的证书无效。您可能正在连接到伪装成“files.parsetfss.com”的服务器,这可能会使您的机密信息面临风险。(代码:100,版本:1.14.2)错误]:网络连接失败。在休眠 1.171176 秒后尝试 1。任何人都可以为这种错误提供解决方案。我在我的应用程序中更新了 Parse SDK 以及 ParseFacebook SDK。



1 回答 1


The issue is related to PFFile object in parse, There is some issue in migrating parse to any other server. I am also facing the issue and i have reported a bug on git forum of parse. Here is the link: https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server/issues/2781

May be you should try by reporting your issue here.

Hope this helps!

于 2016-09-28T13:34:44.293 回答