在 Swift 2.3 中,Array 在哪里定义了 Element 关联类型?

它必须定义它,因为它实现了具有 Element 关联类型的 GeneratorType。Dictionary 和 Set 都定义了 Element 但 Array 在哪里定义它?

Array 有一个称为 Element 的泛型类型,具有泛型类型是否满足 GeneratorType 协议?



protocol Animal{
    associatedtype Breed

struct Dog<Breed>: Animal{


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在 Swift 2 中,Array符合CollectionType,它定义了要求:

/// Returns the element at the given `position`.
public subscript (position: Self.Index) -> Self.Generator.Element { get }


public struct Array<Element> : CollectionType, MutableCollectionType, _DestructorSafeContainer {
    // ...

    // Swift can infer that Self.Index == Int & Self.Generator.Element == Element
    public subscript (index: Int) -> Element
    // ...

这允许 Swift 推断出Array通用占位符类型Element用于满足关联类型Self.Generator.Element,而具体类型Int用于满足关联类型Self.Index


protocol Animal {
    associatedtype Breed
    var breed : Breed { get }

// I've named the generic placeholder T to simply make clear that Swift is inferring
// T == Breed and therefore satisfying the associatedtype requirement.
// You can rename the generic placeholder back to 'Breed' – the compiler will still
// infer that it's satisfying the Breed associatedtype.
struct Dog<T> : Animal{
    let breed : T

enum BreedOfCat {/* ... */}

struct Cat : Animal {
    // same principle with non-generic types: BreedOfCat == Breed
    let breed : BreedOfCat

当然,如果没有使用 的协议要求associatedtype,则必须明确满足 a typealias

protocol Animal {
    associatedtype Breed

struct Dog<T> : Animal{
    typealias Breed = T
于 2016-09-24T11:18:30.900 回答