我用 发出API请求Alamofire,然后得到JSON格式的响应,然后将其解析JSON为 aNSDictionary以获取我想要的数据。我得到的数据是四个Arrays不同的项目。我想在领域中创建一个新列表来保存这些项目。这是我的领域对象类:

class ListOfDefinitions: Object {
 let listOfItems = List<Item>()

class Item: Object {

dynamic var AverageCost = Int()
dynamic var Barcode = ""
dynamic var Description = ""
dynamic var InternalUnique = Int()
dynamic var LastCost = Int()
dynamic var LimitToMainRegionUnique = Int()
dynamic var Notes = ""
dynamic var StockCategoryUnique = Int()
dynamic var StockCode = ""
dynamic var StockGroupUnique = Int()
dynamic var UnitDescriptor = ""

这是关于如何处理 JSON 响应以及我想在代码中保存数据的位置的代码。

 var newItemInStockList : ListOfDefinitions!   // declared in the class
 let newItemInStock = Item()

.responseJSON { response in

            switch response.result {

            case .Success(let JSON):
               // print("Success with JSON: \(JSON)")

                let response = JSON as! NSDictionary

                let responseParams = response.objectForKey("ResponseParameters") as! NSDictionary

                //let stockItemGroupList = responseParams.objectForKey("StockItemGroupList")

                let stockItemList = responseParams.objectForKey("StockItemList") as! NSDictionary

                let listofDefinitions = stockItemList.objectForKey("ListofDefinitions") as! NSArray

                for defJson in listofDefinitions {


                    someString = defJson["Description"] as! String
// Because there are 4 arrays of items this for loop will be red 4 times, each time it is red I want o create a new list and add the items to the list
//  This comment area is where I tried to create a new list and then .append the items in it, but it doesn't work.                   
//                        let newOne = ListOfDefinitions()
//                        try! realm.write{
//                            realm.add(newOne)
//                        }
//                        self.newItemInStock.AverageCost = defJson["AverageCost"] as! Int
//                        self.newItemInStock.Barcode = defJson["Barcode"] as! String
//                        self.newItemInStock.Description = defJson["Description"] as! String
//                        self.newItemInStock.InternalUnique = defJson["InternalUnique"] as! Int
//                        self.newItemInStock.LastCost = defJson["LastCost"] as! Int
//                        self.newItemInStock.LimitToMainRegionUnique = defJson["LimitToMainRegionUnique"] as! Int
//                        self.newItemInStock.Notes = defJson["Notes"] as! String
//                        self.newItemInStock.StockCategoryUnique = defJson["StockCategoryUnique"] as! Int
//                        self.newItemInStock.StockCode = defJson["StockCode"] as! String
//                        self.newItemInStock.StockGroupUnique = defJson["StockGroupUnique"] as! Int
//                        self.newItemInStock.UnitDescriptor = defJson["UnitDescriptor"] as! String
//                        try! realm.write{
//                            self.newItemInStockList.listOfItems.append(self.newItemInStock)
//                        }


            case .Failure(let error):
                print("Request failed with error: \(error)")

这是我打印 4 个数组时得到的结果



2 回答 2




于 2016-09-27T18:04:14.893 回答

我建议使用 AlamofireObjectMapper 的组合来处理所有 JSON 映射(两种方式)https://github.com/tristanhimmelman/AlamofireObjectMapper

以及在 ObjectMapper+Realm https://github.com/Jakenberg/ObjectMapper-Realm中找到的 ListTransform

它们都可以通过 cocoapods 安装。你的代码看起来会更干净,更容易维护

于 2016-10-27T00:51:39.603 回答