使用静态统一模型、C(0e, 2s, ECC CDH)Key Agreement 技术(如 NIST 特别出版物 800-56Ar214 中的规定,除了将共享秘密归零的要求外)计算共享秘密 Z:
NIST 特别出版物 800-56Ar2 中规定的基于 SHA-256 的单步密钥导出函数 (KDF);和
椭圆曲线操作的 P-256 曲线
此时,我可以验证共享密钥是否正确,但我无法获得正确的密钥,也无法(不编辑 Bouncy Castle 源)弄清楚如何将 OtherInfo 带入计算中。我已经搜索和搜索...
private static Byte[] getSingleStepKDF_SHA256( Byte[] OtherInfo,
Byte[] PrivateKey,
Byte[] PublicKey,
Int32 DesiredKeyBitLength
BigInteger bi = null;
X9ECParameters curve = null;
ECDomainParameters ecParam = null;
ECPrivateKeyParameters privKey = null;
ECPublicKeyParameters pubKey = null;
ECDHWithKdfBasicAgreement agree = null;
ECPoint point = null;
ECDHKekGenerator ecGen = null;
* I currently do not know how to include OtherInfo into the
* calculation. I have tried actually modifying ECDHKekGenerator by
* overloading CalculateAgreement to accept OtherInfo. This had no
* affect on the resulting key. I have tried using KdfParameters but
* ECDHWithKdfBasicAgreement raises an exception when I do that.
* The shared seceret is always correct.
curve = NistNamedCurves.GetByName( "P-256" );
ecParam = new ECDomainParameters( curve.Curve, curve.G, curve.N, curve.H, curve.GetSeed() );
privKey = new ECPrivateKeyParameters( new BigInteger( PrivateKey ), ecParam );
point = ecParam.Curve.DecodePoint( PublicKey );
pubKey = new ECPublicKeyParameters( point, ecParam );
ecGen = new ECDHKekGenerator( DigestUtilities.GetDigest( "SHA256" ) );
agree = new ECDHWithKdfBasicAgreement( NistObjectIdentifiers.IdAes256Cbc.ToString(), ecGen );
agree.Init( privKey );
// The shared secret is calculated in this method as well as the key
bi = agree.CalculateAgreement( pubKey );
return bi.ToByteArrayUnsigned().Take( ( int )( DesiredKeyBitLength / 8 ) ).ToArray();