我有一个流,它会根据给定的时间间隔启动任务。我想与它一起使用rabbit binder,但我缺少提供rabbitmq 代理属性的语法。有人可以帮助我。
Here is the steps and configuration I have.
1. Imported apps using: app import --uri
2. Registered a task: app register --name task-sink --type sink --uri file://tasksink.jar
3. Created stream: stream create foo --definition "triggertask --triggertask.uri=file://task-file.jar --trigger.cron-expression=10 | task-sink"
4. stream deploy foo --properties "spring.rabbitmq.host=myhost, spring.rabbitmq.username=user,spring.rabbitmq.password=pass, spring.rabbitmq.port=5672,spring.rabbitmq.virtual-host=XXX"
When both stream and runtime apps are deployed but I see error on logs saying connection could not be established.
I changed the properties syntax to "spring.cloud.stream.bindings.rabbitmq.host" also but same error.
I am not sure I am not using correct syntax here but below are some different behaviour when i run it on VPN and without VPN.
Case 1: Both my machines (where SCDF is running and RabbitMQ broker) are in core network (VPN). Even if I run SCDF and RabbitMq on my local machine It does not work and says unable to resolve host.
Case 2: But when I run RabbitMQ and SCDF on my local machine (Not connected to VPN) then it works fine with "spring.rabbitmq.username=user" properties syntax.
Is there any setting which I need to change to connect to different host system?
Thanks in advance for help and suggestion.