Navigating to App Services in Azure, then navigating to WebJobs, I am able to add a new WebJob. I name it, upload a zip file with the necessary files, and under type, I select triggered
instead of continuous
. For Triggers, scheduled
is selected.
For the CRON expression, I put 0 */5 * * * *
. Sure enough, this WebJob runs every 5 minutes. I can check my WebJob Logs to see their status and that they're returned "successful".
However, when attempting to do the same process but with a different CRON expression, the WebJob never ran.
Yesterday, I uploaded the same exact zip file as above, but with 0 0 5 * * *
as the CRON Expression (Set to run at 5AM every morning).
I checked this morning in my Microsoft Azure WebJobs Logs and under "Last Run Time", the WebJob says Never ran
Why is this?
Will the WebJob not run if I'm not logged into Azure to make sure it runs? How can I guarantee this WebJob to be run?
Anyone else having this problem?