一种解决方案可能是使用此处建议的 Gtk.EventBox (PHP 代码):
$window = new GtkWindow();
$window->set_size_request(400, 240);
$window->connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk','main_quit'));
$window->add($vbox = new GtkVBox());
// setup notebook
$notebook = new GtkNotebook(); // note 1
// add two tabs of GtkLabel
add_new_tab($notebook, new GtkLabel('Notebook 1'), 'Label #1');
add_new_tab($notebook, new GtkLabel('Notebook 2'), 'Label #2');
// add a thrid tab of GtkTextView
$buffer = new GtkTextBuffer();
$view = new GtkTextView();
add_new_tab($notebook, $view, 'TextView');
// add new tab
function add_new_tab($notebook, $widget, $tab_label) {
$eventbox = new GtkEventBox();
$label = new GtkLabel($tab_label);
$eventbox->add($label); // note 2
$label->show(); // note 3
$eventbox->connect('button-press-event', 'on_tab', $tab_label); // note 4
$notebook->append_page($widget, $eventbox); // note 5
// function that is called when user click on tab
function on_tab($widget, $event, $tab_label) { // note 6
echo "tab clicked = $tab_label\n";