我正在做一个墨盒项目。我已经创建了自定义 html 模板以获得更好的视觉效果,现在我想在我的自定义 html 页面上呈现通过墨盒内置 API 提供的所有数据。前。我有一个 product.html,我想在其上显示存储在 db 中的所有产品(按类别)。
url("^shop/", include("cartridge.shop.urls")),
我没有得到那个 API 或函数,这个 url 正在命中。
商店应用程序的 urls.py 文件看起来像这样,我测试过,这些 url 都没有被调用,
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.conf.urls import url
from mezzanine.conf import settings
from cartridge.shop import views
_slash = "/" if settings.APPEND_SLASH else ""
urlpatterns = [
url("^product/(?P<slug>.*)%s$" % _slash, views.product,
url("^wishlist%s$" % _slash, views.wishlist, name="shop_wishlist"),
url("^cart%s$" % _slash, views.cart, name="shop_cart"),
url("^checkout%s$" % _slash, views.checkout_steps, name="shop_checkout"),
url("^checkout/complete%s$" % _slash, views.complete,
url("^invoice/(?P<order_id>\d+)%s$" % _slash, views.invoice,
url("^invoice/(?P<order_id>\d+)/resend%s$" % _slash,
views.invoice_resend_email, name="shop_invoice_resend"),
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.builtins import int, str
from json import dumps
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.contrib.messages import info
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from django.template.loader import get_template
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
from mezzanine.conf import settings
from mezzanine.utils.importing import import_dotted_path
from mezzanine.utils.views import set_cookie, paginate
from mezzanine.utils.urls import next_url
from cartridge.shop import checkout
from cartridge.shop.forms import (AddProductForm, CartItemFormSet,
DiscountForm, OrderForm)
from cartridge.shop.models import Product, ProductVariation, Order
from cartridge.shop.models import DiscountCode
from cartridge.shop.utils import recalculate_cart, sign
from xhtml2pdf import pisa
except (ImportError, SyntaxError):
pisa = None
HAS_PDF = pisa is not None
# Set up checkout handlers.
handler = lambda s: import_dotted_path(s) if s else lambda *args: None
billship_handler = handler(settings.SHOP_HANDLER_BILLING_SHIPPING)
tax_handler = handler(settings.SHOP_HANDLER_TAX)
payment_handler = handler(settings.SHOP_HANDLER_PAYMENT)
order_handler = handler(settings.SHOP_HANDLER_ORDER)
def product(request, slug, template="shop/product.html",
form_class=AddProductForm, extra_context=None):
Display a product - convert the product variations to JSON as well as
handling adding the product to either the cart or the wishlist.
published_products = Product.objects.published(for_user=request.user)
product = get_object_or_404(published_products, slug=slug)
fields = [f.name for f in ProductVariation.option_fields()]
variations = product.variations.all()
variations_json = dumps([dict([(f, getattr(v, f))
for f in fields + ["sku", "image_id"]]) for v in variations])
to_cart = (request.method == "POST" and
request.POST.get("add_wishlist") is None)
initial_data = {}
if variations:
initial_data = dict([(f, getattr(variations[0], f)) for f in fields])
initial_data["quantity"] = 1
add_product_form = form_class(request.POST or None, product=product,
initial=initial_data, to_cart=to_cart)
if request.method == "POST":
if add_product_form.is_valid():
if to_cart:
quantity = add_product_form.cleaned_data["quantity"]
request.cart.add_item(add_product_form.variation, quantity)
info(request, _("Item added to cart"))
return redirect("shop_cart")
skus = request.wishlist
sku = add_product_form.variation.sku
if sku not in skus:
info(request, _("Item added to wishlist"))
response = redirect("shop_wishlist")
set_cookie(response, "wishlist", ",".join(skus))
return response
related = []
related = product.related_products.published(for_user=request.user)
context = {
"product": product,
"editable_obj": product,
"images": product.images.all(),
"variations": variations,
"variations_json": variations_json,
"has_available_variations": any([v.has_price() for v in variations]),
"related_products": related,
"add_product_form": add_product_form
context.update(extra_context or {})
templates = [u"shop/%s.html" % str(product.slug), template]
return TemplateResponse(request, templates, context)
def wishlist(request, template="shop/wishlist.html",
form_class=AddProductForm, extra_context=None):
Display the wishlist and handle removing items from the wishlist and
adding them to the cart.
if not settings.SHOP_USE_WISHLIST:
raise Http404
skus = request.wishlist
error = None
if request.method == "POST":
to_cart = request.POST.get("add_cart")
add_product_form = form_class(request.POST or None,
if to_cart:
if add_product_form.is_valid():
request.cart.add_item(add_product_form.variation, 1)
message = _("Item added to cart")
url = "shop_cart"
error = list(add_product_form.errors.values())[0]
message = _("Item removed from wishlist")
url = "shop_wishlist"
sku = request.POST.get("sku")
if sku in skus:
if not error:
info(request, message)
response = redirect(url)
set_cookie(response, "wishlist", ",".join(skus))
return response
# Remove skus from the cookie that no longer exist.
published_products = Product.objects.published(for_user=request.user)
f = {"product__in": published_products, "sku__in": skus}
wishlist = ProductVariation.objects.filter(**f).select_related("product")
wishlist = sorted(wishlist, key=lambda v: skus.index(v.sku))
context = {"wishlist_items": wishlist, "error": error}
context.update(extra_context or {})
response = TemplateResponse(request, template, context)
if len(wishlist) < len(skus):
skus = [variation.sku for variation in wishlist]
set_cookie(response, "wishlist", ",".join(skus))
return response
def cart(request, template="shop/cart.html",
Display cart and handle removing items from the cart.
cart_formset = cart_formset_class(instance=request.cart)
discount_form = discount_form_class(request, request.POST or None)
if request.method == "POST":
valid = True
if request.POST.get("update_cart"):
valid = request.cart.has_items()
if not valid:
# Session timed out.
info(request, _("Your cart has expired"))
cart_formset = cart_formset_class(request.POST,
valid = cart_formset.is_valid()
if valid:
info(request, _("Cart updated"))
# Reset the cart formset so that the cart
# always indicates the correct quantities.
# The user is shown their invalid quantity
# via the error message, which we need to
# copy over to the new formset here.
errors = cart_formset._errors
cart_formset = cart_formset_class(instance=request.cart)
cart_formset._errors = errors
valid = discount_form.is_valid()
if valid:
# Potentially need to set shipping if a discount code
# was previously entered with free shipping, and then
# another was entered (replacing the old) without
# free shipping, *and* the user has already progressed
# to the final checkout step, which they'd go straight
# to when returning to checkout, bypassing billing and
# shipping details step where shipping is normally set.
if valid:
return redirect("shop_cart")
context = {"cart_formset": cart_formset}
context.update(extra_context or {})
context["discount_form"] = discount_form
return TemplateResponse(request, template, context)