我正在尝试让 MediaWiki 可视化编辑器扩展在共享主机上工作。
我已按照给出的说明完成安装(此处)。尝试访问 heroku 应用程序时,我遇到了应用程序错误。根据这里的讨论,我编辑了 config.yaml 文件,然后按照预期执行了 parsoid 测试。
我回到了 Mediawiki 站点并完成了剩下的步骤。然后点击编辑,我得到一个404错误。根据这里的建议,我将两个 parsoid 文件(localsettings.js 和 config.yaml)中的 uri 参数从模式http://mediawikisitename.com/api.php更改为http://mediawikisitename.com。
完成上述更改后,工具栏将显示带有进度条的灰色编辑区域。进度条在大约 60%-100% 后挂起,然后给出 http 0 错误。
localsettings.js 如下
* This old / unusual way to configure Parsoid.
* You'll probably want to start in config.example.yaml
* and only end up here if you need some sort of backwards compatibility
* or to support non-static configuration.
'use strict';
exports.setup = function(parsoidConfig) {
// Do something dynamic with `parsoidConfig` like,
uri: 'mysite',
config.yaml 如下。
# This is a sample configuration file
# Copy this file to config.yaml and edit that file to fit your needs.
# Also see:
# - `npm start -- -h` for more information about passing config files via
# the commandline.
# - lib/config/ParsoidConfig.js for all the properties that you can configure
# here. Not all properties are documented here.
worker_heartbeat_timeout: 300000
level: info
# type: log
- module: lib/index.js
entrypoint: apiServiceWorker
# For backwards compatibility, and to continue to support non-static
# configs for the time being, optionally provide a path to a
# localsettings.js file. See localsettings.example.js
#localsettings: ./localsettings.js
# Set your own user-agent string
# Otherwise, defaults to:
# 'Parsoid/<current-version-defined-in-package.json>'
#userAgent: 'My-User-Agent-String'
# Configure Parsoid to point to your MediaWiki instances.
# This is the only required parameter,
# the URL of you MediaWiki API endpoint.
uri: 'mysite'
# The "domain" is used for communication with Visual Editor
# and RESTBase. It defaults to the hostname portion of
# the `uri` property below, but you can manually set it
# to an arbitrary string.
domain: 'localhost' # optional
# To specify a proxy (or proxy headers) specific to this prefix
# (which overrides defaultAPIProxyURI). Alternatively, set `proxy`
# to `null` to override and force no proxying when a default proxy
# has been set.
# uri: 'http://my.proxy:1234/'
# headers: # optional
# 'X-Forwarded-Proto': 'https'
# We pre-define wikipedias as 'enwiki', 'dewiki' etc. Similarly
# for other projects: 'enwiktionary', 'enwikiquote', 'enwikibooks',
# 'enwikivoyage' etc.
# The default for this is false. Uncomment the line below if you want
# to load WMF's config for wikipedias, etc.
#loadWMF: true
# A default proxy to connect to the API endpoints.
# Default: undefined (no proxying).
# Overridden by per-wiki proxy config in setMwApi.
#defaultAPIProxyURI: 'http://proxy.example.org:8080'
# Enable debug mode (prints extra debugging messages)
#debug: true
# Use the PHP preprocessor to expand templates via the MW API (default true)
#usePHPPreProcessor: false
# Use selective serialization (default false)
#useSelser: true
# Allow cross-domain requests to the API (default '*')
# Sets Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
# disable:
#allowCORS: false
# restrict:
#allowCORS: 'some.domain.org'
# Allow override of port/interface:
#serverPort: 8000
#serverInterface: ''
# The URL of your LintBridge API endpoint
#linterAPI: 'http://lintbridge.wmflabs.org/add'
# Require SSL certificates to be valid (default true)
# Set to false when using self-signed SSL certificates
#strictSSL: false
# Use a different server for CSS style modules.
# Leaving it undefined (the default) will use the same URI as the MW API,
# changing api.php for load.php.
#modulesLoadURI: 'http://example.org/load.php'
MediaWiki 的版本是 1.27.0,可视化编辑器是 VisualEditor 0.1.0 (06ca8ea) 2016 年 9 月 6 日 21:22
请不要使用我给出的 mysite 地址的 URI