我似乎在 Digital Ocean 上遇到了这个错误:

“您系统的主 IP 地址似乎已从 xxx.xx.xx.xxx 更改为 xx.xx.xx 使用旧地址的虚拟服务器可能无法访问或提供错误的 Web 内容。”

这是在数字海洋上全新安装的 virtualmin。



2 回答 2


在新的 Droplet 上部署自定义映像,映像上的 Virtualmin/Webmin 会注意到分配给 droplet 的新 IP 地址。发生这种情况时,第一次登录 Virtualmin/Webmin 时会在页面上显示上述错误消息 -

要修复此错误,您应该更改服务器的 IP 地址。以下是如何在 Webmin 中更改 IP 地址的步骤:

如何在 Webmin 中更改 IP 地址

Step 1. We logged into Webmin clicked on Networking menu on the left panel.

Step 2. Here we just click on Network Configuration.

Step 3. Then select Network Interfaces for setting up new IP address configuration.

Step 4. Here we click on enp0s3 network interface for new IP address configuration.

(it can be named in many ways, including eth0, enp0s1, ig0 and so on, and your system may have more than one adapter)

Step 5. Now, here we have five changes for new IP address configuration.

->  Select Yes to enable the Network Interface and activated on boot.
->  Select Static Configuration option in the IPV4 address section.
->  After selecting the static configuration, we enter the static IP address on IPV4 Address field.
->  Then enter Subnet Mask on Netmask field (eg:
->  Finally enter the Broadcast address (eg: Most probably Broadcast address is taken by the system automatically.

After all, save the settings.

Step 6. Then, go to Routing and Gateways, select the previously configured interface name from the dropdown and enter the correct Gateway IP address in the field.

Step 7. Click Save and go back to the main screen.

Step 8. Click on Apply Configuration button.

We verified the IP Address of the system just by running the below command.

Linux command: ifconfig

如果您因 IP 更改而无法登录 Webmin,请按照以下步骤修复该错误

Step 1. Check the log file /var/log/webmin/miniserv.log to identify the problem. 

Step 2. If the new IP address is not configured in /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf file then we need to add it.

Step 3. Log into Webmin and go to Addresses and Networking -> Change IP Addresses, and there we can change references to the old IP address to the new one.

Step 4. Finally rebooted the server.


于 2019-08-02T23:16:12.910 回答

事实证明,解决此问题的最佳方法是确保主机名正确。一切都设置好后,在 webmin 模块上完成了重新启动。

于 2016-09-18T00:18:17.877 回答