

fn accumulate<'a>(tuples: &[(&'a str, &Fn(i32) -> bool)], i: i32) {

    // this works
    let _ = tuples.iter().filter(|t| apply(second, i)(t));

    // this doesn't
    //let f = apply(second, i);
    //let _ = tuples.iter().filter(f);

    //this works as well

    let f  = |t: &&(_,_)| apply(second, i)(t);
    let _ = tuples.iter().filter(f);

fn apply<A, B, C, F, G>(mut f: F, a: A) -> impl FnMut(B) -> C
         where F: FnMut(B) -> G,
               G: FnMut(A) -> C,
               A: Clone
    move |b| f(b)(a.clone())

fn second<A, B: ?Sized>(&(_, ref second): &(A, B)) -> &B {

fn main()  {}



1 回答 1


impl Trait首先,让我说这个问题与语法的使用无关。我将闭包转换为命名结构并得到相同的结果。


let f = apply(second, i);
let _ = tuples.iter().filter(f);


error[E0277]: the trait bound `for<'r> impl std::ops::FnMut<(&(_, _),)>: std::ops::FnMut<(&'r &(&str, &std::ops::Fn(i32) -> bool),)>` is not satisfied
  --> <anon>:11:27
11 |     let _ = tuples.iter().filter(f);
   |                           ^^^^^^ trait `for<'r> impl std::ops::FnMut<(&(_, _),)>: std::ops::FnMut<(&'r &(&str, &std::ops::Fn(i32) -> bool),)>` not satisfied

error[E0277]: the trait bound `for<'r> impl std::ops::FnMut<(&(_, _),)>: std::ops::FnOnce<(&'r &(&str, &std::ops::Fn(i32) -> bool),)>` is not satisfied
  --> <anon>:11:27
11 |     let _ = tuples.iter().filter(f);
   |                           ^^^^^^ trait `for<'r> impl std::ops::FnMut<(&(_, _),)>: std::ops::FnOnce<(&'r &(&str, &std::ops::Fn(i32) -> bool),)>` not satisfied

好的,所以我们有类型 X,它需要实现特征 Y,但它没有。但让我们仔细看看:

for<'r> impl
std::ops::FnMut<(&(_, _),)>:
std::ops::FnMut<(&'r &(_, _),)>


好吧,让我们更改 的定义second以接受对引用的引用:

fn second<'a, A, B: ?Sized>(&&(_, ref second): &&'a (A, B)) -> &'a B {


error[E0277]: the trait bound `for<'r> impl std::ops::FnMut<(&&(_, _),)>: std::ops::FnMut<(&'r &(&str, &std::ops::Fn(i32) -> bool),)>` is not satisfied
  --> <anon>:11:27
11 |     let _ = tuples.iter().filter(f);
   |                           ^^^^^^ trait `for<'r> impl std::ops::FnMut<(&&(_, _),)>: std::ops::FnMut<(&'r &(&str, &std::ops::Fn(i32) -> bool),)>` not satisfied

error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `for<'r> <impl std::ops::FnMut<(&&(_, _),)> as std::ops::FnOnce<(&'r &(&str, &std::ops::Fn(i32) -> bool),)>>::Output == bool`
  --> <anon>:11:27
11 |     let _ = tuples.iter().filter(f);
   |                           ^^^^^^ expected bound lifetime parameter , found concrete lifetime
   = note: concrete lifetime that was found is lifetime '_#24r

expected bound lifetime parameter , found concrete lifetime... 这意味着什么?

f的类型是实现的某种类型FnMut(&'c &'b (&'a str, &Fn(i32) -> bool)) -> bool。在对和的调用apply中。请注意,这里是一种固定类型;表示一个固定的生命周期,称为具体生命周期B == &'c &'b (&'a str, &Fn(i32) -> bool)C == boolB'c


fn filter<P>(self, predicate: P) -> Filter<Self, P> where
    Self: Sized, P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,

在这里,P必须实施FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool。实际上,这种语法是for<'r> FnMut(&'r Self::Item) -> bool. 这里。'r是一个绑定的生命周期参数。

所以,问题是我们实现的函数FnMut(&'c &'b (&'a str, &Fn(i32) -> bool)) -> bool没有实现。我们需要一个实现. 目前,这样做的唯一方法是这样写:for<'r> FnMut(&'r Self::Item) -> boolfor<'c> FnMut(&'c &'b (&'a str, &Fn(i32) -> bool)) -> boolapply

fn apply<A, B, C, F, G>(mut f: F, a: A) -> impl FnMut(&B) -> C
         where F: FnMut(&B) -> G,
               G: FnMut(A) -> C,
               A: Clone
    move |b| f(b)(a.clone())


fn apply<A, B, C, F, G>(mut f: F, a: A) -> impl for<'r> FnMut(&'r B) -> C
         where F: for<'r> FnMut(&'r B) -> G,
               G: FnMut(A) -> C,
               A: Clone
    move |b| f(b)(a.clone())

如果 Rust 最终支持更高种类的类型可能会有更优雅的方法来解决这个问题。

于 2016-09-17T03:03:28.343 回答