I have worked successfully with Web MIDI API and Chrome 52 on my Mac laptop - for example recognizing connected MIDI instruments. But Web MIDI API does not seem to work or recognize connected instruments when I use Chrome 52 in my Samsung Galaxy S5 running Android 5.0.1. I've tried, for example, Web MIDI API tests online like this one, unsuccessfully (all of which work fine on the laptop).

Native apps do recognize my MIDI devices just find in my Galaxy phone - they are connected via a working USB OTG cable. But Chrome (or Opera) are not. Any help will be appreciated. I've tried Chrome Dev and Chrome Beta, same result. I wonder if the problem is the phone, or perhaps the Android version?

UPDATE: I have also tried with an Android tablet of different brand and Android 6.0 (Marshmallow). The result is the same: navigator.requestMIDIAccess() is successful (it invokes the success callback with the midiAccess object as expected), but midiAccess has no inputs or outputs, even though a device is connected. The same tablet recognizes the device when using a native app.

UPDATE 2: Success! The problem was the electronic piano I was using to test. For some reason my laptop Chrome did find my Yamaha piano, but Android Chrome did not (they are the same version of chrome). I moved to another keyboard (a newer Roland piano) and now both Android Chrome and MacOS Chrome now detect it.


2 回答 2


You must testing your devices for knowing is reading for USB Host. You can use application like that for testing : app test USB Host

If your device don't USB Host ready you can activate that with root mode.

于 2016-09-16T12:29:35.617 回答

The problem was the electronic piano I was using to test. For some reason my laptop Chrome did find my Yamaha piano, but Android Chrome did not (they are the same version of chrome). I used a different, newer keyboard (a newer Roland piano) and now both Android Chrome and MacOS Chrome now detect it.

于 2016-09-16T23:28:55.630 回答