在使用 Shippo 进行运输的 Rails 4 应用程序中,根据API 文档,我将以下哈希传递到 Shippo::Shipment.create(shippo_params) :

:object_purpose => "PURCHASE",
         :async => false,
    :address_to => {
    "object_purpose" => "PURCHASE",
              "name" => "Test Guy",
           "street1" => "5000 Test St",
           "street2" => "",
              "city" => "New Orleans",
             "state" => "LA",
               "zip" => "70115",
           "country" => "US"
  :address_from => {
    "object_purpose" => "PURCHASE",
           "company" => "MyCompany",
           "street1" => "1305 Business Lane",
           "street2" => "Suite O",
              "city" => "New Orleans",
             "state" => "LA",
               "zip" => "70123",
           "country" => "US",
             "phone" => "+1 999 999 9999",
        :parcel => {
           "length" => 5,
            "width" => 5,
           "height" => 5,
    "distance_unit" => :in,
           "weight" => 1,
        "mass_unit" => :lb



Shippo::Exceptions::APIServerError: Unable to read data received back from the server.  

如果我使用 API 中引用的以下参数哈希,它可以工作:

params   = { object_purpose: 'PURCHASE',
                    async:          false,
                    address_from:   {
                      object_purpose: 'PURCHASE',
                      name:           'Mr Hippo',
                      company:        'Shippo',
                      street1:        '215 Clayton St.',
                      street2:        '',
                      city:           'San Francisco',
                      state:          'CA',
                      zip:            '94117',
                      country:        'US',
                      phone:          '+1 555 341 9393',
                      email:          'support@goshippo.com' },
                    address_to:     {
                      object_purpose: 'PURCHASE',
                      name:           'Mrs Hippo"',
                      company:        'San Diego Zoo',
                      street1:        '2920 Zoo Drive',
                      city:           'San Diego',
                      state:          'CA',
                      zip:            '92101',
                      country:        'US',
                      phone:          '+1 555 341 9393',
                      email:          'hippo@goshippo.com' },
                    parcel:         {
                      length:        5,
                      width:         2,
                      height:        5,
                      distance_unit: :in,
                      weight:        2,
                      mass_unit:     :lb }


谁能告诉我有什么区别以及为什么 Shippo 返回此错误?


1 回答 1



  1. 在您的请求中,地址对象不包含所有必填字段。这是您的数据的工作请求 - 我将电子邮件值添加到地址和名称值到 address_from 对象:https ://gist.github.com/simonkreuz/2da33c20d4015b0bc64079078db62ddc
  2. Shippo 的 Ruby 包装器无法正确解析返回的 API 错误消息。API 实际上返回一个错误,表明地址对象不包含所有必需的字段。我已经在这里https://github.com/goshippo/shippo-ruby-client/issues/22向 Shippo 的工程团队提交了一张票。
于 2016-09-15T22:49:34.013 回答