我正在尝试使用 LocalConnection 在加载到单独的浏览器窗口(全部由最初打开的页面打开)中的三个 swf 之间建立通信。我是瑞士法郎间通信的新手,我将按照此处找到的教程进行操作。
我正在从 xampp 服务器运行这些以进行测试。
本质上,我有 3 个 swf。我有一个“主”瑞士法郎和两个“从”瑞士法郎。启动主 swf 时,它会在新窗口中打开其他两个 swf。当在主服务器中单击一个按钮时,我试图只更新其中一个从服务器中的一些文本。以后会发生更复杂的事情,我只是想先弄清楚LocalConnections。
'master.swf' 中的代码(在时间线上):
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.events.Event;
//Used as a flag to open each slave window, one of the first frame, one on the second frame, as using navigateToURL twice in a row doesn't seem to work.
var frameCount = 0;
//This is what I'm attempting to send over the LocalConnection.
var messageText = "it worked!";
var slave1url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("slave1.html");
var slave2url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("slave2.html");
//Creates a one-way connection to communicate with JUST slave1
var slave1OutboundConnection:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Update);
slave1Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SendMessageToSlave1);
slave1Button.buttonMode = true;
//Send a message to slave1 via the slave1OutboundConnection
function SendMessageToSlave1(e:Event){
slave1OutboundConnection.send("masterToSlave1Connection", "UpdateTextFromCommunication", messageText);
function Update(e:Event){
//Open the slave1 page on the first frame, and the slave2 page on the second frame.
if(frameCount == 0){
navigateToURL(slave1url, "_blank");
} else if (frameCount == 1){
navigateToURL(slave2url, "_blank");
在 slave1 中:
var masterInboundConnection:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
function UpdateTextFromCommunication(receivedArguments){
displayText.text = receivedArguments;
我在每个 html 页面中也有一些自定义 javascript 来设置页面大小和位置,但我认为这并不重要:
//Get the width of the user's monitor
var resolutionWidth = window.screen.availWidth;
//Get the height of the user's monitor (minus the height of the task bar)
var resolutionHeight = window.screen.availHeight;
//First screen is 0, second is 1, third is 2, etc.
var screenNumber = 2;
//If this screen is not displayed on the primary monitor, add 40 pixels for the lack of the taskbar on other monitors
if(screenNumber > 0){
resolutionHeight += 40;
//Maximize the window
this.resizeTo(resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight);
//Move the window to the appropriate display
this.moveTo(resolutionWidth * screenNumber, 0);
我在 Windows 7 上的本地 xampp 服务器上的 IE11 中运行包含这些 swfs 的 html 页面。在 CS5.5 中制作的 Swfs。