4 回答 4


Investigated this issue further. Currently, there's no support in GORM for any Date/Time types except timestamp with time zone

See this part of code from dialect_postgres.go:

case reflect.Struct:
   if _, ok := dataValue.Interface().(time.Time); ok {
      sqlType = "timestamp with time zone"

So basically I see two options for you:

Either use varchar(10) in DB, and string in Go, an simply save it as "9:00 PM" (where 10 is some number that suits you)

Or use timestamp with time zone in DB, time.Time in Go, and format your date part as a constant date, 01/01/1970, for example:

time.Parse("2006-01-02 3:04PM", "1970-01-01 9:00PM")

In that case you'll have to omit the date part in your presentation, but if you plan to select by date range, that could work better for you.

于 2016-09-15T20:05:48.613 回答

When updating the DATETIME field in SQL, the Go string must be in this format: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339).

于 2019-08-12T17:37:32.480 回答

From Postgres perspective the error stems from there being no year 0000. If you don't the date you may just be able to add 1 year to the converted timestamp giving '0001-01-01T21:00:00+00' which is a valid Postgres timestamp.

select '0000-01-01T21:00:00+00'::timestamptz at time zone 'UTC' 
ERROR:  date/time field value out of range: "0000-01-01T21:00:00+00"

Gives he same error. And just as a demonstration 1 day before 0001-01-01 gives:

select '0001-01-01T21:00:00+00'::timestamptz at time zone 'UTC' - interval '1 day' "day_before_1/1/1";
--0001-12-31 21:00:00 BC
于 2019-08-13T03:39:18.997 回答

You can set an arbitrary database-specific type with Gorm using sql tag

type Event struct {
  Time time.Time `sql:"type:timestamp without time zone"`
于 2022-01-08T10:50:02.577 回答