. 以下代码执行此操作并且应该可以工作(启用了适当的扩展):
import System.Random
instance (Enum r, Bounded r) => Random r where
randomR (hi, lo) = inFst toEnum . randomR (fromEnum hi, fromEnum lo)
where inFst f (x,y) = (f x, y)
random = randomR (maxBound, minBound)
但我知道这是不好的风格,因为instance (Enum r, Bounded r) => Random r
为 all 创建了一个实例r
,只是对 and 进行类型检查Enum
而不是仅仅将实例放在 and 的类型Enum
randomBoundedEnum :: (Enum r, Bounded r, RandomGen g) => g -> (r, g)
randomBoundedEnum = randomRBoundedEnum (minBound, maxBound)
randomBoundedEnumR :: (Enum r, Bounded r, RandomGen g) => (r, r) -> g -> (r, g)
randomBoundedEnumR (hi, lo) = inFst toEnum . randomR (fromEnum hi, fromEnum lo)
where inFst f (x,y) = (f x, y)
data Side = Top | Right | Bottom | Left
deriving (Enum, Bounded)
-- Boilerplatey :(
instance Random Side where
randomR = randomBoundedEnumR
random = randomBoundedEnum
data Hygiene = Spotless | Normal | Scruffy | Grubby | Flithy
deriving (Enum, Bounded)
-- Boilerplatey, duplication :(
instance Random Hyigene where
randomR = randomBoundedEnumR
random = randomBoundedEnum