我在 GitHub 上修改 wit.ai 的 messenger.js 时遇到了一些问题。我添加了一些 API 调用来获取实时天气,但我无法将结果输入机器人的回复 (context.forecast)。context.forecast 行似乎无法“看到”我的天气数据。
context.forecast = 'Todays forecast is: ' + hourlyWeather +' in ' + location;
hourlyWeather 有“小雨直到今天晚上”等数据。但机器人的回复将其排除在外。
这是相关代码,我希望我只是在错误的地方/顺序有一些东西,因为我是 Node.js 的新手。我很感激帮助。
// Our bot actions
const actions = {
send({sessionId}, {text}, request) {
//const {context, entities} = request;
// Our bot has something to say!
// Let's retrieve the Facebook user whose session belongs to
const recipientId = sessions[sessionId].fbid;
if (recipientId) {
// Yay, we found our recipient!
// Let's forward our bot response to her.
// We return a promise to let our bot know when we're done sending
return fbMessage(recipientId, text)
.then(() => null)
.catch((err) => {
'Oops! An error occurred while forwarding the response to',
err.stack || err
} else {
console.error('Oops! Couldn\'t find user for session:', sessionId);
// Giving the wheel back to our bot
return Promise.resolve()
// You should implement your custom actions here
// See https://wit.ai/docs/quickstart
//Problems start here. ----------------
getForecast({context, entities}) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var location = firstEntityValue(entities, 'location')
if (location) {
// we should call a weather API here
//API call to convert city name to longitude latitude
const requestw = require('request'),url = 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q='+location+'&format=json'
request(url, (error, response, body)=> {
if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
const fbResponse = JSON.parse(body)
//console.log("Got a response: ", fbResponse)
//convert JSON to array
var arr = [];
for(var x in fbResponse){
//find latitude and longitude in array and store for later weather api call
var lat = arr[0].lat;
var lon = arr[0].lon;
console.log(lat, lon)
//API call for weather status
forecast.get([lat, lon], function(err, weather) {
if(err) return console.dir(err);
//Store weekly and daily report - Cant get to show up in forecast string. --------------
var hourlyWeather = weather.hourly.summary;
var dailyWeather = weather.daily.summary;
} else {
console.log("Got an error while grabbing coordinates of city: ", error, ", status code: ", response.statusCode)
//Cant get hourlyWeather or dailyWeather to show here. Location works fine. Have tried declaring the variables elsewhere. -----------
//context.forecast = hourlyWeather;
context.forecast = 'Todays forecast is: ' + hourlyWeather +' in ' + location;
delete context.missingLocation;
} else {
context.missingLocation = true;
delete context.forecast;
return resolve(context);