在已安装 Visual Studio 2015 的机器上重新安装后尝试运行 PowerBuilder.Net 12.5 时出现以下错误...

应用程序无法启动,因为它的并排配置不正确。请查看应用程序事件日志或使用命令行 sxstrace.exe 工具了解更多详细信息。


深入研究Application Event Log我看到了这个......

  • 资料来源:并排
  • 事件编号:33

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Sybase\PowerBuilder 12.5\pbshel​​l.exe”的激活上下文生成失败。无法找到依赖程序集 debuggerproxy.dll,processorArchitecture="X86",type="win32",version=""。请使用 sxstrace.exe 进行详细诊断。

我想指出,我可以正常运行PowerBuilder Classic 12.5而没有错误。只是PowerBuilder .NET 12.5我遇到了这个问题。


1 回答 1


From the looks of your error message PowerBuilder is not finding a dependent 32-bit assembly.

You'll probably need to install the Visual Studio shell via the PowerBuilder.NET installation. I doubt that PowerBuilder.NET 12.5 is compatible with Visual Studio 2015 because it is too new but if you experiment you might get lucky and make it work.

You could try to to install the PB.NET components from the install disk and then inspect the components and try making VS2015 compatible. I'd be surprised if it works though.

PB.NET was a little behind the most recent .NET Framework for obvious reasons, so you'd need to have the right .NET version installed and the 32-bit assemblies.

PB Classic uses the classic IDE and not the Visual Studio command shell so that's why it works.

于 2017-01-25T04:16:28.483 回答