我有一个广度优先搜索来找到一个 8 谜题的最佳解决方案。为了确保我不会在同一个谜题移动中执行相同的函数调用,我创建了一个树结构。它不存储拼图,只是在树中为拼图中的 9 个插槽的 9 个值创建一条路径。这是代码:
static const int NUM_NODES = 9;
class TreeNode
TreeNode *mylist[NUM_NODES];
for (int x = 0; x < NUM_NODES; ++x)
mylist[x] = nullptr;
class Tree
TreeNode *mynode;
mynode = new Node();
bool checkOrCreate(const Puzzle &p1)
Node *current_node = mynode;
bool found = true;
for (int x = 0; x < PUZZLE_SIZE; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < PUZZLE_SIZE; ++y)
int index_value = p1.grid[x][y];
if (current_node->mylist[index_value] == nullptr)
found = false;
current_node->mylist[index_value] = new Node();
current_node = current_node->mylist[index_value];
current_node = current_node->mylist[index_value];
return found;
static Node* depth_Limited_Search(Problem &problem, int limit)
return recursive_Depth_Search(&Node(problem.initial_state, nullptr, START), problem, limit);
static Node *recursive_Depth_Search(Node *node, Problem &problem, int limit)
if (problem.goal_state == node->state)
return node;
else if (limit == 0)
return nullptr;
if (mylist.checkOrCreate(node->state)) //if state already exists, delete the node and return nullptr
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<int> xy(node->state.getCoordinates());
int xOfSpace = xy.get()[0];
int yOfSpace = xy.get()[1];
set <Action> actions = problem.actions(node->state); //gets actions
for (auto it = begin(actions); it != end(actions); ++it)
Action action = *it;
Node &child = child_node(problem, *node, action);
Node *answer = recursive_Depth_Search(&child, problem, limit - 1);
if (answer != nullptr)
return answer;
return nullptr;
static Node& child_node(Problem problem, Node &parent, Action action)
Node &child = *(new Node());
child.state = problem.result(parent.state, action);
child.parent = &parent;
child.action = action;
child.path_cost = parent.path_cost + problem.step_cost(parent.state, action);
return child;
Puzzle& result(const Puzzle &state, Action action)
// return a puzzle in the new state after perfroming action
Puzzle &new_state = *(new Puzzle(state));
int r = state.getCoordinates()[0], c = state.getCoordinates()[1];
if (action == UP)
new_state.swap(r, c, r - 1, c);
else if (action == RIGHT)
new_state.swap(r, c, r, c + 1);
else if (action == DOWN)
new_state.swap(r, c, r + 1, c);
else if (action == LEFT)
new_state.swap(r, c, r, c - 1);
return new_state;