    'parseFile'() {
        Papa.parse('/private/file/buildingData.csv', {
            download: true,
            complete: function(results) {
                console.log("hi there how are you")
                console.log(results);        // array of rows
                return results;

我在名为 Methods 的文件夹中的单独 builidingData.js 文件中定义了上述方法。我在 map.onRendered() 下使用以下代码从客户端调用此方法。

Meteor.call('parseFile', (err, res) => {
                if (err) {
                } else {
                    // success!

我做了流星,meteor add harrison:papa-parse因此我不必使用脚本标签将 papaparse.js 包含在 html 代码中。


{ data: [ [ '/private/file/buildingData.csv' ] ],
I20160905-12:22:03.973(10)?   errors:
I20160905-12:22:03.974(10)?    [ { type: 'Delimiter',
I20160905-12:22:03.974(10)?        code: 'UndetectableDelimiter',
I20160905-12:22:03.975(10)?        message: 'Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to
I20160905-12:22:03.976(10)?        row: undefined } ],
I20160905-12:22:03.977(10)?   meta:
I20160905-12:22:03.978(10)?    { delimiter: ',',
I20160905-12:22:03.978(10)?      linebreak: '\n',
I20160905-12:22:03.979(10)?      aborted: false,
I20160905-12:22:03.979(10)?      truncated: false } }
I20160905-12:22:03.986(10)? hi there how are you
I20160905-12:22:03.987(10)? { data: [ [ '/private/file/buildingData.csv' ] ],
I20160905-12:22:03.988(10)?   errors:
I20160905-12:22:03.989(10)?    [ { type: 'Delimiter',
I20160905-12:22:03.990(10)?        code: 'UndetectableDelimiter',
I20160905-12:22:03.990(10)?        message: 'Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to
I20160905-12:22:03.991(10)?        row: undefined } ],
I20160905-12:22:03.992(10)?   meta:
I20160905-12:22:03.992(10)?    { delimiter: ',',
I20160905-12:22:03.993(10)?      linebreak: '\n',
I20160905-12:22:03.999(10)?      aborted: false,
I20160905-12:22:03.999(10)?      truncated: false } }
I20160905-12:22:04.000(10)? Retrieving current observations...
I20160905-12:22:05.329(10)? finishing
I20160905-12:22:05.330(10)? Retrieving hourly forecast...
I20160905-12:22:06.383(10)? finishing
I20160905-12:22:06.384(10)? Retrieving daily forecast...
I20160905-12:22:07.592(10)? finishing
I20160905-12:22:07.593(10)? hi there how are you
I20160905-12:22:07.593(10)? { data: [ [ '/private/file/buildingData.csv' ] ],
I20160905-12:22:07.594(10)?   errors:
I20160905-12:22:07.594(10)?    [ { type: 'Delimiter',
I20160905-12:22:07.594(10)?        code: 'UndetectableDelimiter',
I20160905-12:22:07.594(10)?        message: 'Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to
I20160905-12:22:07.595(10)?        row: undefined } ],
I20160905-12:22:07.595(10)?   meta:
I20160905-12:22:07.596(10)?    { delimiter: ',',
I20160905-12:22:07.596(10)?      linebreak: '\n',
I20160905-12:22:07.596(10)?      aborted: false,
I20160905-12:22:07.597(10)?      truncated: false } }
I20160905-12:22:07.598(10)? hi there how are you
I20160905-12:22:07.600(10)? { data: [ [ '/private/file/buildingData.csv' ] ],
I20160905-12:22:07.601(10)?   errors:
I20160905-12:22:07.601(10)?    [ { type: 'Delimiter',
I20160905-12:22:07.602(10)?        code: 'UndetectableDelimiter',
I20160905-12:22:07.602(10)?        message: 'Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to
I20160905-12:22:07.602(10)?        row: undefined } ],

1 回答 1


首先,确保 CSV 文件可从'/private/file/buildingData.csv'您传入的路径 ( )访问Papa.parse


dynamicTyping: true, 
download: true, //you already have this
delimiter: ",", //or whatever the delimiter is
linebreak: "\n", //or whatever your linebreak is
于 2016-11-22T20:31:57.533 回答