我在使用 GLSL 进行体积渲染时遇到问题。源代码可以在以下链接https://github.com/toolchainX/Volume_Rendering_Using_GLSL中找到。在名为 的片段着色器中raycasting.frag
,出现了sampler1D TransferFunc
,但我不知道 的实际功能(用法或含义)TransferFunc
。以下是 raycasting.frag 的详细信息。
具体代码为:colorSample = texture(TransferFunc, intensity);
#version 400
in vec3 EntryPoint;
in vec4 ExitPointCoord;
uniform sampler2D ExitPoints;
uniform sampler3D VolumeTex;
uniform sampler1D TransferFunc;
uniform float StepSize;
uniform vec2 ScreenSize;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
void main()
// ExitPointCoord 的坐标是设备规范化坐标
// 出现了和纹理坐标有关的问题。
vec3 exitPoint = texture(ExitPoints, gl_FragCoord.st/ScreenSize).xyz;
// that will actually give you clip-space coordinates rather than
// normalised device coordinates, since you're not performing the perspective
// division which happens during the rasterisation process (between the vertex
// shader and fragment shader
// vec2 exitFragCoord = (ExitPointCoord.xy / ExitPointCoord.w + 1.0)/2.0;
// vec3 exitPoint = texture(ExitPoints, exitFragCoord).xyz;
if (EntryPoint == exitPoint)
//background need no raycasting
vec3 dir = exitPoint - EntryPoint;
float len = length(dir); // the length from front to back is calculated and used to terminate the ray
vec3 deltaDir = normalize(dir) * StepSize;
float deltaDirLen = length(deltaDir);
vec3 voxelCoord = EntryPoint;
vec4 colorAcum = vec4(0.0); // The dest color
float alphaAcum = 0.0; // The dest alpha for blending
/* 定义颜色查找的坐标 */
float intensity;
float lengthAcum = 0.0;
vec4 colorSample; // The src color
float alphaSample; // The src alpha
// backgroundColor
vec4 bgColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
for(int i = 0; i < 1600; i++){
// 获得体数据中的标量值scaler value
intensity = texture(VolumeTex, voxelCoord).x;
// 查找传输函数中映射后的值
// 依赖性纹理读取
colorSample = texture(TransferFunc, intensity);
// modulate the value of colorSample.a
// front-to-back integration
if (colorSample.a > 0.0) {
// accomodate for variable sampling rates (base interval defined by mod_compositing.frag)
colorSample.a = 1.0 - pow(1.0 - colorSample.a, StepSize*200.0f);
colorAcum.rgb += (1.0 - colorAcum.a) * colorSample.rgb * colorSample.a;
colorAcum.a += (1.0 - colorAcum.a) * colorSample.a;
voxelCoord += deltaDir;
lengthAcum += deltaDirLen;
if (lengthAcum >= len ){
colorAcum.rgb = colorAcum.rgb*colorAcum.a + (1 - colorAcum.a)*bgColor.rgb;
break; // terminate if opacity > 1 or the ray is outside the volume
}else if (colorAcum.a > 1.0){
colorAcum.a = 1.0;
FragColor = colorAcum;
// for test
// FragColor = vec4(EntryPoint, 1.0);
// FragColor = vec4(exitPoint, 1.0);