首先,我是 The Iron Yard 12 周第 5 周的学生,学习 Java 后端工程。该课程由大约 60% 的 Java、25% 的 JavaScript 和 15% 的 Clojure 组成。
;; Given an ArrayList of words, return a HashMap> containing a keys for every
;; word's first letter. The value for the key will be an ArrayList of all
;; words in the list that start with that letter. An empty string has no first
;; letter so don't add a key for it.
(defn index-words [word-list]
(loop [word (first word-list)
index {}]
(if (contains? index (subs word 0 1))
(assoc index (subs word 0 1) (let [words (index (subs word 0 1))
word word]
(conj words word)))
(assoc index (subs word 0 1) (conj nil word)))
(if (empty? word-list)
(recur (rest word-list) index))))
具体来说,我未能在“if”的 false 子句中更新我的 hashmap 索引。
我已经在 REPL 中测试了这个函数的所有组件,它们是独立工作的。但我正在努力将它们放在一起。
供您参考,这里是调用 word-list 的代码。
(let [word-list ["aardvark" "apple" "zamboni" "phone"]]
(printf "index-words(%s) -> %s\n" word-list (index-words word-list)))