我对 NAudio 很陌生,我需要将输入样本的缓冲区从输入设备转换为范围从 -1 到 1 的双精度数组。
WaveIn inputDevice = new WaveIn();
//change the input device to the one i want to receive audio from
inputDevice.DeviceNumber = 1;
//change the wave format to what i want it to be.
inputDevice.WaveFormat = new WaveFormat(24000, 16, 2);
//set up the event handlers
inputDevice.DataAvailable +=
new EventHandler<WaveInEventArgs>(inputDevice_DataAvailable);
inputDevice.RecordingStopped +=
new EventHandler(inputDevice_RecordingStopped);
//start the device recording
现在,当调用“inputDevice_DataAvailable”回调时,我得到了一个音频数据缓冲区。我需要将此数据转换为代表 -1 到 1 之间音量级别的双精度数组。如果有人可以帮助我,那就太好了。