我已经使用 Boost 线程和条件实现了一个基本的线程生产者-消费者(线程 1 = 生产者,线程 2 = 消费者)。我经常无限期地陷入等待() 。我真的看不出这里有什么问题。下面是一些伪代码:
// main class
class Main {
void AddToQueue(...someData...)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
m_queue.push_back(new QueueItem(...someData...));
void RemoveQueuedItem(...someCond...)
// i'm wondering if this could cause the trouble?
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
// erase a item matching condition (some code not shown,
// but should be fairly self-explanatory -- IsMatch()
// simply looks at a flag of QueueItem
m_queue.erase(std::remove_if(m_queue.being(), m_queue.end(),
boost::bind(&Main::IsMatch, this, _1, someCond), m_queue.end());
friend void WorkerThread(Main* m);
boost::ptr_deque<QueueItem> m_queue;
boost::mutex m_mutex;
boost::condition m_cond;
// worker thread
void WorkerThread(Main* m)
typedef boost::ptr_deque<QueueItem>::auto_type RelType;
RelType queueItem;
while(!shutDown) {
{ // begin mutex scope
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m->m_mutex);
while(m->m_queue.empty()) {
m->m_cond.wait(lock); // <- stuck here forever quite often!
queueItem = m->m_queue->pop_front(); // pop & take ptr ownership
} // end mutex scope
// ... do stuff with queueItem
// ...
// ... queueItem is deleted when it leaves scope & we loop around
- 使用 Boost v1.44
- Linux 和 Android 中出现问题;我还不确定它是否发生在 Windows 中
更新 2:事实证明上述代码没有问题。我依赖于 AddToQueue() 的底层 API - 在工作线程中处理数据并将其返回给 API 时,它有一个循环错误,它会再次调用 AddToQueue() ......现在已修复;-)