class Particle{

  PVector velocity, location; //PVector variables for each particle.

  Particle(){ //Constructor - random location and speed for each particle.
    velocity = new PVector(random(-0.5,0.5), random(-0.5,0.5));
    location = new PVector(random(0,width),random(0,width));

  void update() { location.add(velocity); } //Motion method.

  void edge() {  //Wraparound case for particles.
    if (location.x > width) {location.x = 0;} 
    else if (location.x < 0) {location.x = width;}

    if (location.y > height) {location.y = 0;}
    else if (location.y < 0) {location.y = height;}

  void display(ArrayList<Particle> p){ //Display method to show lines and ellipses between particles.

    for(Particle other: p){ //For every particle in the ArrayList.
     float d = PVector.dist(location,other.location); //Get distance between any two particle.
     float a = 255 - d*2.5; //Map variable 'a' as alpha based on distance. E.g. if distance is high, d = 100, alpha is low, a = 255 - 225 = 30.

     println("Lowest distance of any two particle =" + d); //Debug output.

     if(d<112){ //If the distance of any two particle falls bellow 112.
      noStroke(); //No outline.
      fill(0,a); //Particle are coloured black, 'a' to vary alpha.
      ellipse(location.x, location.y, 8, 8); //Draw ellipse based on location of particle.

      stroke(0,a); //Lines are coloured black, 'a' to vary alpha.
      line(location.x,location.y,other.location.x,other.location.y); //Draw line between four coordinates, between two particle.


ArrayList<Particle> particles = new ArrayList<Particle>(); //Create a new arraylist of type Particle.

void setup(){
  size(640,640,P2D); //Setup frame of sketch.
  particles.add(new Particle()); //Add five Particle elements into arraylist.
  particles.add(new Particle());
  particles.add(new Particle());
  particles.add(new Particle());
  particles.add(new Particle());

void draw(){
 background(255); //Set white background.
 for(Particle p: particles){ //For every 'p' of type Particle in arraylist particles.
   p.update(); //Update location based on velocity.
   p.display(particles); //Display each particle in relation to other particles.
   p.edge(); //Wraparound if particle reaches edge of screen.

在上面的代码中,有形状对象、线条和椭圆。其透明度受变量 a 的影响。

变量 'a' 或 alpha 是从距离 'd' 推断出来的。因此,当对象更远时,对象的 alpha 值会下降。

在这种情况下,线的 alpha 值不会随着时间而改变,例如随着距离而变淡。然而,尽管代码非常相似,但椭圆似乎卡在了 alpha '255' 上。

如果 'a' 的值是硬编码的,例如

if(d<112){ //If the distance of any two particle falls bellow 112.
      noStroke(); //No outline.

      fill(0,100); //Particle are coloured black, set alpha 'a' to be 100, grey tint.

      ellipse(location.x, location.y, 8, 8); //Draw ellipse based on location of particle.


编辑:我相信我已经找到了问题的根源。变量“a”不区分正在迭代的粒子。因此,alpha 可能会卡住/加起来 255。


1 回答 1



话虽如此,我可以尝试在一般意义上提供帮助。首先,您打印出 的值a,但您没有告诉我们它的值是多少。它的价值是你所期望的吗?如果是这样,您是在绘制椭圆之前清除之前的帧,还是在之前绘制的椭圆之上绘制它们?您是否在代码的其他地方绘制了椭圆?


ellipse(25, 25, 25, 25);
line(0, 25, width, 25);

stroke(0, 128);
fill(0, 128);
ellipse(75, 75, 25, 25);
line(0, 75, width, 75);



编辑:感谢 MCVE。您更新的代码仍然存在问题。我不明白这个循环:

for(Particle other: p){ //For every particle in the ArrayList.
     float d = PVector.dist(location,other.location); //Get distance between any two particle.
     float a = 255 - d*2.5; //Map variable 'a' as alpha based on distance. E.g. if distance is high, d = 100, alpha is low, a = 255 - 225 = 30.

     println("Lowest distance of any two particle =" + d); //Debug output.

     if(d<112){ //If the distance of any two particle falls bellow 112.
      noStroke(); //No outline.
      fill(0,a); //Particle are coloured black, 'a' to vary alpha.
      ellipse(location.x, location.y, 8, 8); //Draw ellipse based on location of particle.

      stroke(0,a); //Lines are coloured black, 'a' to vary alpha.
      line(location.x,location.y,other.location.x,other.location.y); //Draw line between four coordinates, between two particle.


您是说对于 each Particle,您循环遍历每个 Particle然后在当前Particle位置绘制一个椭圆?这没有任何意义。如果您有 100 Particles,则意味着每个Particle将被绘制 100 次!


Particle closestNeighbor = null;
float closestDistance = 100000;

for (Particle other : p) { //For every particle in the ArrayList.

  if (other == this) {

  float d = PVector.dist(location, other.location);
  if (d < closestDistance) {
    closestDistance = d;
    closestNeighbor = other;

注意if (other == this) {部分。这很重要,因为否则您将每个Particle与自身进行比较,并且距离将为零!



如果您有后续问题,请在新问题中发布更新的 MCVE。不断编辑问题和答案会让人感到困惑,所以如果你再次卡住,就问一个新问题。

于 2016-08-30T12:37:15.280 回答