我正在开发一个在服务器端和客户端呈现的反应通用应用程序。该应用程序在 Chrome 上运行 #1,但在 Safari 上,react-routerLink
只是重新渲染整个应用程序并执行 http 请求。
应用程序正确呈现,但是当它在 Chrome 中完美运行时,链接不会在 Safari 中进行转换。
这是我的 routing.js 文件,它是一个 expressjs 中间件
import React from 'react';
import { trigger } from 'redial';
import createMemoryHistory from 'history/lib/createMemoryHistory';
import useQueries from 'history/lib/useQueries';
import { match, RouterContext } from 'react-router';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { thunkMiddleware } from './thunkMiddleware';
import reducers from 'reducers';
import routes from '../routes';
const store = applyMiddleware(thunkMiddleware)(createStore)(reducers);
const { dispatch } = store;
function getRootComponent(renderProps) {
const state = store.getState();
const component = (
<Provider store={store}>
<RouterContext {...renderProps} />
return {
initialState: state,
function routing(req, res) {
const history = useQueries(createMemoryHistory)();
const location = history.createLocation(req.url);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
match({ routes, location }, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
// Get array of route components:
const components = renderProps.routes.map(route => route.component);
// Define locals to be provided to all fetcher functions:
const locals = {
path: renderProps.location.pathname,
query: renderProps.location.query,
params: renderProps.params,
cookies: req.cookies,
// Allow fetcher functions to dispatch Redux actions:
if (typeof req.cookies.user_token === 'undefined' && (req.url !== '/login')) {
} else {
if (redirectLocation) {
reject(res.status(301).redirect(redirectLocation.pathname + redirectLocation.search));
} else if (error) {
} else if (renderProps === null) {
reject(res.status(404).send('Not found'));
// trigger l'action de "redial"
trigger('fetch', components, locals)
.then((cookieValues) => {
let cookieTime = 3600000; // 1 heure
if (typeof cookieValues !== 'undefined' && typeof cookieValues[0] !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof req.cookies.remember_me !== 'undefined') {
cookieTime = 1296000000; // 15 jours
res.cookie('remember_me', true, { maxAge: cookieTime, httpOnly: false });
res.cookie('user_loggedIn', cookieValues[0].user_loggedIn, { maxAge: cookieTime, httpOnly: false });
res.cookie('user_id', cookieValues[0].user_id, { maxAge: cookieTime, httpOnly: false });
res.cookie('user_token', cookieValues[0].user_token, { maxAge: cookieTime, httpOnly: false });
export default routing;
history.listen(() => {
// Match routes based on location object:
match({ history, routes }, (routerError, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
console.log(routerError, redirectLocation, renderProps);
// Check si renderProps est true sinon c'est un redirect
if (renderProps) {
// Get array of route components:
const components = renderProps.routes.map(route => route.component);
// Define locals to be provided to all lifecycle hooks:
const locals = {
path: renderProps.location.pathname,
query: renderProps.location.query,
params: renderProps.params,
state: store.getState(),
// Allow lifecycle hooks to dispatch Redux actions:
// Fetch deferred, client-only data dependencies
trigger('defer', components, locals)
// Finally, trigger 'done' lifecycle hooks:
.then(() => {
const state = store.getState();
// checkIfFormIsCompleted(location, state, () => {
trigger('done', components, { ...locals, state });
// });
function renderApplication() {
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history}>{routes}</Router>
), document.getElementById(APP_DOM_CONTAINER));
如果重要的话,我也会使用 react-router-redux,我只是更新了软件包以检查它们是否可以工作,但没有任何改变。
"react": "^15.1.0",
"react-router": "^2.7.0",
"react-router-redux": "^4.0.0",
"redux": "^3.0.6",
"redux-form": "^5.2.4",
我刚刚深入研究了 DOM 以查看单击事件是如何绑定的,并且我看到 Safari 中的链接错过了来自ReactEventListener.js