我正在为 Autodesk Inventor(3D 绘图软件)创建一个插件,目前我正在使用位置约束。
事件来更改我的约束值。但这不是 100% 有效的。按下海拔 1000 时的示例将更改海拔 4 次(每位数)。
现在我开始使用validated event
. 这效果更好,但我希望在Enter
Private Sub tbElevationValue_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles tbElevation.Validated
' If the elevation parameter and textbox value are the same
' The sub must be aborted
If CDbl(tbElevation.Text) = oElevationParameter.Value * 10 Then Exit Sub
' Check the entered value
Dim oValue As Double
If tbElevation.Text = "" Then
oValue = 0
tbElevation.Text = 0
oValue = tbElevation.Text
End If
' Set the parameter value
oElevationParameter.Value = oValue / 10
' Update the document
End Sub
Private Sub tbOrientation_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles tbOrientation.Validated
' If the orientation parameter and textbox value are the same
' The sub must be aborted
If CDbl(tbOrientation.Text) = cRandiansToDegrees(oOrientationParameter.Value) Then Exit Sub
' Check the entered value
Dim oValue As Double
If tbOrientation.Text = "" Then
oValue = 0
tbOrientation.Text = 0
oValue = tbOrientation.Text
End If
' Set the parameter value
oOrientationParameter.Value = cDegreesToRandians(oValue)
' Update the document
End Sub
Private Sub OrientationElevationEnterKey_Pressed(sender As Object, e As Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles tbElevation.KeyUp, tbOrientation.KeyUp
If e.KeyCode = Windows.Forms.Keys.Enter Then
CType(sender, Windows.Forms.TextBox).Parent.Focus()
CType(sender, Windows.Forms.TextBox).Focus()
End If
End Sub